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Thursday, September 9, 2010




Every friend in life is the most beautiful gift of God. For each and every occasion in life we look forward to have our friends with us for happiness like on the festivals, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. A friend is someone who may often encourage you for your betterment, he stands with you on happiness and on the moments of sorrow. For us, friendship is a trust that someone or somebody will be our side always. Here are the selected friendship quotes for your loving friends.

The happyest moment is when i'm with you. when you are by my side i feel like the luckyest person.

Keeping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u... but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U..

The times we shared is like shooting star... the time is short but really beautiful moments.... Forever engraved in our hearts.... Friends forever!!!

When i'm walking in front of u,I'm protecting u. When i'm beside u i'm there for u, when i'm behind u, I'm watching over u. When i'm alone,I'm thinking of u.

If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!!

We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE!

I may not be a clock that may text you 24 hrs a day but my heart will be like a clock that will not stop caring & saying u r always remembered. take care.
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
A true friend deserve a special attention for each and every special occasions occur in his or her life
We should not forget that a friend should always be there when any friend needs his assistance, whether its a moment of happiness or great sorrow.
A Just Friend says.. hi,.. hello, ..bye,... and walks away...
A Best friend always stop by your side & asks how r u doing ??

A Just Friend has never seen you cry.
A Best friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A Just Friend thinks the friendship is over, when you have an argument.
A Best friend knows that it's not a friendship, until after you've had a fight.

A Just Friend hates it when you call, after he has gone to bed.
A Best friend asks you.... why you took so long to call.

A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A Best friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

A Just Friend jealous about your romantic history.
A Best friend wonders of your love story.....

A Just Friend expects you to be always there for any help.
A Best friend is always there, wherever you require any help.

A Just Friend doesn't have time in his/her busy schedule,
A Best friend always have time for you in his/her busy schedules... .

A Just Friend phones you whenever he/she has some work,
A Best friend calls you often just to hear your voice.....

A Just Friend doesn't have anything to talk to you on phone,
A Best friend doesn't know...what all to finish...

*Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

*Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good.
*If at first you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you.
*Eighty percent of success is showing up
As you climb the ladder of success, be sure it's leaning against the right building. If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average.
*Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
*What is success? It is a toy balloon among children armed with pins.
*We never know, believe me, when we have succeeded best.
*Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.
*I couldn't wait for success... so I went ahead without it.

*There is no point at which you can say, "Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap." ~
*Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
*Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it.

*Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!
*Try to discover
The road to success
And you'll seek but never find,
But blaze your own path
And the road to success
Will trail right behind.

*In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time.
*I dread success. To have succeeded is to have finished one's business on earth, like the male spider, who is killed by the female the moment he has succeeded in courtship. I like a state of continual becoming, with a goal in front and not behind. *Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves.

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