How to Add Excitement to Your Sex Life
Sexuality is an important part of a romantic relationship. As with anything that one can come to take for granted, even the most exciting of sex lives can get routine and boring. It doesn't have to be that way. Here is how you can make your spouse very happy by adding excitement to your sex life.
1. Step 1
Try something new when your partner least expects it. Suggest it or start it. You know your partner and you know what she is comfortable with. Always listen to your partner, and ask if she is comfortable while trying new things.
2. Step 2
Wake up your partner with pleasure. It will be a pleasant surprise to wake from sleep with your hands on his body. Your partner will react immediately, and it can be a powerful way to add both surprise and excitement to your sex life.
3. Step 3
Introduce toys to your sex life. This doesn't have to be what you may be thinking it is. By going to a store or looking online, you can find toys you never would imagine, and they can be for both men or women. Introduce them by getting a different sort of toy for each of you. Instead of talking about it, bring a toy out one night. Express what you would like, and ask your partner what he thinks and feels about this. Always be willing to take no for an answer while keeping an open mind yourself. If you are turned down, ask your partner what he wants to do. There needs to be a middle ground so you are both comfortable.
4. Step 4
Joke about kinky things with your partner in a joking manner. You can pick up on whether or not it's something that she's always thought about in her reactions. If it is a popular fantasy in her mind, she may become instantly embarrassed or afraid that you saw something on her computer. If she gets defensive, reassure her that it is simply something that you were thinking about. Make sure there is no pressure to do something that may cause her pain. Emphasize your desire to bring her pleasure, and mean it!
5. Step 5
Make love in the middle of the day. While your partner is home being lazy on the weekend, surprise him by trying to take his shirt off. This is likely to drive him wild with surprise and desire.
6. Step 6
Take a getaway. Nothing can add excitement to your sex life by being alone with one another for a weekend or more. A second honeymoon, a birthday celebration or an "I love you" getaway for no reason all can be the path to excitement. Keep the focus on one another so a great room is important, but the location isn't as important.
How to Bring Excitement To Your Relationship
• 1
Here are 10 steps and do them in any order you please:
1. Read a Sex Book Together
2. Men - shave your face tonight.
3. Take A Bubble Bath together or Hot Tub. Find a resort that rents them by the hour and use it as a Holiday Hour (HoliHour - instead of holiday).
• Step 2
4. No time? Invest in some sexy fishnets, something sexy and new.
5. Flannel sheets 100% cotton where ever you are going to play.....mmmm.
6. Read s Sexy Scary Story in Bed together outloud, or the books that have all the different positions and pick 10 new positions for this time.
7. Tell the other person what you like best about them.
8. Candles set the mood.
9. Massage one another...and if it is cold put the flannel sheets over a electric blanket.
10. Leave notes in his/her briefcase, car, near coffee cup/tea cup, inside their shoes.
• Step 3
Extra Step - Earlier write out your fantasies on a slips of paper. Put them in a vase. Every so often pull some out of the vase.
How to Give Oral Sex for Women
• Kissing is a great way to get the juices flowing.
Kiss comes from the word "cyssan" which means wet, soul or tongue.
Eat parsley for good breathe. Carry mints, or breath drops. Clean your tongue with a oolit.
Use lots of creams or softeners to keep your lips soft.
Tell him how much you love to kiss.
Hot spots to kiss are Earlobes, Bellybuttons, small of his back, base of his neck and more.
Kiss with a swirl all over his body.
• Step 2
Different types of Motions.
Up and Down Motion - With your hand sealed to your mouth and your teeth covered by your lips or buffered by your hand, move up and down the length of his shaft. Adjust the pressure by opening or closing your mouth.
While doing the above step you can use your hand in a twisting method.
See below for more details.
• Step 3
Tongue Magic.
Your tongue needs to always stay in motion. Move your tongue all around his **** and up and down. Have your man sit in a chair while you kneel in front of him.
The big W.
Burrow your tongue in the area where his leg attaches to his groin. Move your tongue in the shape of a W as in write. Go down one side of the scrotum and onto the other side. The perineum of the w should be right in the middle. You will be moistening the area while your one check is resting on his leg and scrotum. Next move is tea bagging.
See below for more tips.
How to Compliment Women
Making your woman happy is vital for a successful for a long and healthy relationship. One surefire way to win the hearts of women is to praise them with compliments and words of appreciation. Using the proper compliments can help bring your woman closer to you as well as strengthen and bring excitement to the relationship. Learn how you can successfully compliment women the properly way to pave the road to a successful and happy relationship!
• tep 1
It takes more than a "Hi baby, you look hot today" to really rack up some major points with your woman. One of the best ways to compliment women is to tell them that they are irreplaceable. Saying these words as you gaze into her eyes is a surefire way to make her feel loved and wanted. There is nothing greater than feeling like you're irreplaceable. It shows that you value her in your life!
• Step 2
Next, you need to show women that they mean something in your life. Many times, we take relationships for granted as well as contributions made to their lives. Telling a woman that she brings happiness, joy, and light into your life lets them know how much you appreciate them, and even shows them your genuine side.
• Step 3
Many times, women feel insecure. You need to support them by telling them that they are perfect the way they are. The best kind of love is unconditional love. Showing your partner that you embrace and understand this idea to them will let your woman know that you have a much deeper love for her.
• Step 4
Many men want to shower their woman with words that are sugarcoated and not really from the heart. In addition, we tend to lose focus when women put the extra effort to look pretty for us. The key here is to tell her something GENUINE. Don't just pick something random feature. Instead, think about it. What attracts you to your partner? What attributes do you like and why? Telling your partner these things shows her that you listen and pay attention to details.
• Step 5
Lastly, nothing is better than supporting one another in a relationship. Whether it be life goals or just something she is currently trying to achieve, show your women your loving support. If you can do this, not only will you build a stronger and loving relationship, but you will also be able to support one another in times of hardships, and overcome them a whole lot easie
How to Obtain Healthy and Sexy Hair
Many women do not feel confident when their hair looks unkempt and plain old dull. Many women spend fortunes in hopes of getting that healthy, sexy looking air. Money goes down the drain as they purchase expensive hair conditioners and other hair products. Learn how you can effectively obtain healthy, sexy hair without spending a fortune!
1. Step 1
The first step in obtaining healthy hair is to shampoo your hair regularly, but not too often. How often you should shampoo your hair depends on the type of hair you have, so if you're unsure, ask your hairdresser. You don't want to wash your hair too often that it dries your hair out, but you also do not want it to be so lank that it sticks out.
2. Step 2
Always make it a habit to condition your hair! It should follow right after shampooing your hair. Conditioners help replace some of the sebum that has been washed away.
3. Step 3
This next step sounds a bit strange, but rinse your hair with vinegar. After rinsing your hair with conditioner, apply vinegar and rinse it over. Ordinary vinegar is fine, as it will smooth down your hair and make it look shiny and healthy. The smell will disappear once your hair is dry.
4. Step 4
Remember to regularly change shampoos and conditioners. After a while, your hair will get used to the same treatments, and will stop reacting. Change brands and products to keep your hair responsive. If money is tight, olive oil works wonders on hair.
5. Step 5
As much as possible, avoid using hairdryers and straighteners. The heat weakens your hair, making it look dry and dull. If you do need to use it, apply extra moisturizing products to keep your hair healthy and strong.
6. Step 6
Split ends are common when you tie your hair back too tightly. This weakens your hair, causing it to split. If you do have to tie it, make sure it's not too tight on your hair.
7. Step 7
Eat a healthy diet! Hair can be affected through our diets and what we put into our bodies. Make sure to consume vitamins A, B, D, along with zinc and iron.
8. Step 8
Massaging your scalp also helps improve blood circulation to the hair follicles. In addition, it can help relief headaches and keep you relaxed.
9. Step 9
Lastly, get your hair trimmed on a regular basis! Not only does it keep your appearance neat, but it also prevents damaging your hair at the ends.
Add Excitement To Your Love Life
Sometimes it can be hard to keep a relationship going. You have to constantly put in time and effort into a relationship and the most serious you are about the person, the more work you have to do everyday. So how can you keep your partner excited and still interested in the relationship?
The first thing that you can do is talk to her about having one day of the week where you do what she wants to do. This means you can rub her back, give her attention that she needs, as well as, do the things that she wants to do.
You can also act as a support system too. You can do things like rub her shoulders or give her a full body message when she is feeling tense. You can also go out of your way for her when she is feeling down. You can always give her a gift of lingerie or give her a book filled with tips of passion.
The number one way of keeping the excitement in your love life is to keep the excitement in the bedroom. You have to do things that say that you love, care, and want her. You need to be spontaneous and romantic. You need to woo her every now and then. When it comes to keeping excitement in the bedroom you might want to think about giving some books to her or purchase them together.
This way you can find new ways of pleasuring her and keeping her satisfied in the bedroom. Creativity is a good thing; you may even want to ask her about her fantasies and then act them out. However, complete excitement does not just mean you need to step it up in the bedroom, you are going to have to focus on other things like romance.
You don't want her to get in a routine. You need to be spontaneous and go to unique and different places. If you keep the activities and sights that you see or do together from coming a routine, then you should have plenty of excitement in your relationship and in the bedroom. If a couple gets into a routine they are more likely to get bored with each other and also in the bedroom.
If you want to be happy and keep her happy you need to be more adventures. You need to have a give and take in your relationship. Even in the bedroom things should be mutral. Not one person should dominate in the bedroom or the relationship. You need to do things that you both like. By keeping the relationship 50/50 you are more likely to have a solid relationship that keeps excitement in the relationship
When it comes to keeping things exciting in the relationship, you need to listen to her ideas with an open mind. You will be able to keep her happy and if you play your cards right, you could be just as happy at the end of the night. As for the bedroom alone, you know what you need to do to get excitement going. Make a romantic scene, purchase her something sexy to wear, or you may want to get some aids to help you keep things new in the bedroom.
There are plenty of videos and books that can help you find new positions and new levels of pleasure. If you don't think that she'd be into things like that you can always listen to her and talk to her about some of things that she would like to try to keep the relationship exciting. You will want to share your ideas as well. Once you two have become comfortable with each other, you should feel like it is easy to share each other's feelings and thoughts. Once you have talked out fantasies and some ideas you may want to get comfort with each other so that you can have excite in the relationship.
You need to keep the communication flowing to have excitement. For you to have excitement and truly enjoy the relationship, you have to be able to talk to each other. There are some things that won't go over that well, but if you talk through each other's issues, then you still should be able to keep the excitement going. With the communication flowing you can be able to talk about the things that you think the relationship needs and so will your partner. This will keep your relationship healthy and exciting. You both will be able to enjoy the relationship.
If you are in love with a specific woman, and you "know" she's the right one for you, you can learn how you can place yourself in her thoughts and her dreams! Everything will be in place for her to fall hopelessly in love with you. What does your Woman secretly want, desire, and need? Secrets Revealed will help you to grow her love for you