Management in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.Because organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to 'manage' oneself, a pre-requisite to attempting to manage others
Medical sales representatives
Job description
Medical sales representatives are a key link between medical and pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals. They work strategically to increase the awareness and use of a company’s pharmaceutical and medical products in settings such as general practices, primary care trusts and hospitals.
Typical work activities
In any setting, the process of selling involves contacting potential customers, identifying their needs, persuading them that your products or services (rather than those of competitors) can best satisfy those needs, closing the sale by agreeing the terms and conditions, and providing an after-sales service. Medical sales representatives do all of this and more.
Step -1
In particular, typical work activities include:
• arranging appointments with doctors, pharmacists and hospital medical teams, which may include pre-arranged appointments or regular 'cold' calling;
• making presentations to doctors, practice staff and nurses in GP surgeries, hospital doctors, and pharmacists in the retail sector. Presentations may take place in medical settings during the day or may be conducted in the evenings at a local hotel or conference venue;
• organising conferences for doctors and other medical staff;
• building and maintaining positive working relationships with medical staff and supporting administration staff e.g. receptionists;
• managing budgets (for catering, outside speakers, conferences, hospitality, etc);
• keeping detailed records of all contacts and reaching (and if possible exceeding) annual sales targets;
• planning work schedules and weekly and monthly timetables. This may involve working with the area sales team or discussing future targets with the area sales manager. Generally, medical sales executives have their own regional area of responsibility and plan how and when to target health professions;
• regularly attending company meetings, technical data presentations and briefings;
• keeping up with the latest clinical data supplied by the company and interpreting, presenting and discussing this data with health professionals during presentations;
• monitoring competitor activity and competitors' products;
• maintaining knowledge of new developments in The National Health Service (NHS) , anticipating potential negative and positive impacts on the business and adapting strategy accordingly;
• developing strategies for increasing opportunities to meet and talk to contacts in the medical and healthcare sector;
• staying informed about the activities of health services in a particular area;
• working with team managers to plan how to approach contacts and creating effective business plans for making sales in a particular area.
Step -2
They increase their connections with the medical stores and hospitals and all kind of medical services to lounge their product and for the maximum use of them. To sell their product or to lounge a product they sometimes also arrange conferences and do presentations with medical professionals. For the purpose they also organise events for medical professionals.
The activities that a medical sale representative should do are as follows:
• contact customers
• find out the needs of the customers
• to uphold about the product to the customers
• try to satisfy the needs
• ensure the terms and conditions of the sale
• be concerned about the opinion of the customers after selling the product
• arrange appointments with medical teams, doctors and pharmacists.
• Making presentations to the medical professionals like: doctors, pharmacists, nurses, practice staffs and to all the necessary personnel related to the sector.
• Presentations should take place to a suitable time and place for all thus the targeted people can come conveniently. Like: the presentation may take place during the day time or may be in the evening or at a hotel’s or restaurant’s conference venue.
• Build and maintain positive connections and working relationships with medical personnel and also with the supporting administration.
• Manage budgets for the event or for the team work and all the necessary items to be included in the list. Like: catering, conferences, gifts items, convenes.
• Keep the records of all the contacts.
• Time and work planning in a correct way.
• Each representative are allotted for each area. Thus each representative of each area can survey the needs of the area people and can make up a forum of their needs and future targets. The representatives along with the area people and area doctors and other medical professionals make a plan for their better living, better future and better healthcare services.
• Attain company meetings regularly, collect technical data, presentations and briefings.
• Presenting and discussing the present which is supplied by the company with healthcare and medical professionals during conferences and presentations.
• Monitor what are the competitive companies doing and about their products and how are they taking steps for taking the market and defeating others.
• Monitor and anticipate positive and negative affects and impacts of the market to the product and adapting proper strategy to prevent that.
• Developing strategies even though there is not a threat or a negative impact on the product. But the strategies should be kept developing all the time for the increment of the opportunities to meet the needs of the people for a stable market value and reputation.
• Getting information about the after effect of the product and how the users and consumers reviewed about the product.
Step -3
• Maintain reflective gentle dress to make good impression.
• Maintain discipline at the time of duty.
• Never use alcohol at the time of duty.
• Make fix route +visit program.
• Fix the doctor, retailer on each area before visit.
• Tray to add doctor on each visit .
• Make working plan before starting field work.
• Be concentrate on blocking of stock in field.
• Make a faithful relation with prescriber and retailer.
• Never make any false commitment with prescriber and retailer.
• Start with a gentle smooth introduction with prescriber and retailer.
• Sharing information about our product & visual book in a short time period.
• Never make bore to prescriber.
• Sampling.
• Request for corporation.
• Always make a parlal relation with retailer and pres
|Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.
Albert Einstein:
The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. . . . The ordinary objects of human endeavour -- property, outward success, luxury -- have always seemed to me contemptible.
Albert Einstein:
Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
Albert Schweitzer:
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Alex Noble:
If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.
Anna Pavlova:
To follow without halt, one aim; there is the secret of success. And success? What is it? I do not find it in the applause of the theater; it lies rather in the satisfaction of accomplishment.
Arie de Gues:
Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage.
Barack Obama:
Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled.
Barack Obama:
Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.
Barbara Jordan:
All my growth and development led me to believe that if you really do the right thing, and if you play by the rules, and if you've got good enough, solid judgment and common sense, that you're going to be able to do whatever you want to do with your life.
Benjamin Disraeli:
The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
Benjamin Franklin:
There are no gains without pains.
Bernadette Devlin:
Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.
Bessie Stanley:
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction. [published 11/30/1905 in the Lincoln (Kansas) Sentinel - an adaptation of this is often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, though nothing like it has been found in his writings.]
Bessie Stanley (adapted; erroneously attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson):
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, it is an adaptation of a poem published in 1905 by Bessie Stanley. No version of it has been found in Emerson's writings. For more information see
Bruce Feirstein:
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
Chet Atkins:
Everything I've ever done was out of fear of being mediocre.
Coco Chanel:
How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.
Corita Kent:
Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.
Corita Kent:
Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.
David Brinkley:
A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
Elaine Maxwell:
My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.
Elbert Hubbard:
The man who is anybody and who does anything is surely going to be criticized, vilified, and misunderstood. This is part of the penalty for greatness, and every man understands, too, that it is no proof of greatness.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox:
One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
This entry continued ...
Emily Dickinson:
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
Frank Lloyd Wright:
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright:
I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and a devotion to the things you want to see happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright:
I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.
Franklin D. Roosevelt:
It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.
G. K. Chesterton:
I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.
George Washington Carver:
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because some day in life you will have been all of these.
George Washington Carver:
How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
George Washington Carver:
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.
Havelock Ellis:
It is on our failures that we base a new and different and better success.
Helen Hayes:
My mother drew a distinction between achievement and success. She said that achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that's nice, too, but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success.
Helen Keller:
I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.
Henry David Thoreau:
The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.
Henry David Thoreau:
I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
Henry Ford:
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right. also attributed to Mary Kay Ash
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
The heights by great men reached and kept / Were not attained by sudden flight, / But they, while their companions slept, / Were toiling upward in the night.
Herbert B. Swope:
I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody.
J. C. Penney:
Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk.
Jack Benny:
I don't deserve this award, but I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either.
James A. Froude:
You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.
John C. Maxwell:
The depth of your mythology is the extent of your effectiveness.
Jonas Salk:
The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.
Jonathan Kozol:
Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win. On Being a Teacher
Lily Tomlin:
Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.
Lloyd Jones:
Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed. (adapted)
Louis L'Amour:
Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.
Margaret Mead:
I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach:
Conquer, but don't triumph.
Maxine Hong Kingston:
To me success means effectiveness in the world, that I am able to carry my ideas and values into the world -- that I am able to change it in positive ways.
Maya Lin:
To fly, we have to have resistance.
Michael Jordan:
I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
Michael Korda:
To succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Oliver Wendell Holmes:
Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
Pablo Picasso:
My mother said to me, "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk, you'll end up as the Pope." Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
Pearl S. Buck:
The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.
Pearl S. Buck:
The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration.
Pearl S. Buck:
The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible -- and achieve it, generation after generation.
Peter F. Drucker:
There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great person is one who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson:
To be great is to be misunderstood.
Richard Bach:
Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.
Robert F. Kennedy:
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
Samuel Smiles:
We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.
Samuel Smiles:
It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done.
Theodore Roosevelt:
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
From a speech given in Paris at the Sorbonne in 1910
Thomas Alva Edison:
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas Wolfe:
You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity.
Ursula K. Le Guin:
Success is somebody else's failure. Success is the American Dream we can keep dreaming because most people in most places, including thirty million of ourselves, live wide awake in the terrible reality of poverty.
Vaclav Havel:
Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed.
Vanessa Redgrave:
Integrity is so perishable in the summer months of success.
Vince Lombardi:
Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
Vince Lombardi:
Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.
Walter Cronkite:
I can't imagine a person becoming a success who doesn't give this game of life everything he's got.
William Lloyd Garrison:
The success of any great moral enterprise does not depend upon numbers.
William Lyon Phelps:
This is the final test of a gentleman: his respect for those who can be of no possible value to him.
William M. Winans:
Not doing more than the average is what keeps the average down.
William Menninger:
Six essential qualities that are the key to success: Sincerity, personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity.
William Saroyan:
Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success, you know.
Winston Churchill:
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
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Why one wants to suside?why a person wants to die? why he wants to lost the rare humanlife? i dont know why? any one can help me out?
People who kill themselves view it as a way to solve their problems. These people think that their lives are so terrible that there is no going on. However, these people don't realize that there is always a better way out, that all problems can somehow be solved if they just try hard enough.
Suicide - Causes
“Suicide doesn’t happen suddenly, although it may appear to. The suicidal mind-set builds over a period of time as a progression of negative thoughts take place. Hopelessness and helplessness are the hallmarks of suicidal thought. Other common emotions in people who attempt suicide are pain and loneliness.”
“When I analyze the question, Why suicide? Two words sum up the attitude of the suicidal person: hopelessness and helplessness. The suicidal person feels locked in a situation that is without hope and beyond help. Looking at the problem, the individual is convinced there is no way out.
No hope.
No possible solution.
No way that anything can be really ‘normal’ again.
No way to ever really love again.
No way to succeed in life.
No way.”
“Reality-based hopelessness is indeed often found. Many clients have real problems that must not be minimized by the therapist. On the other hand, some people appear able to cope with apparently unbearable problems without becoming suicidal. Why? Possibly because depressive hopelessness is not the same as normal sadness. Financial hardship and interpersonal chaos may reasonably cause a great deal of anger, frustration and sadness. However, a person becomes depressed and suicidal when their sadness changes to a situation in which the person tells themselves, ‘I’m to blame,’ ‘I’ve never succeeded at anything in my life,’ ‘If my love leaves, I am nothing.’ People under great stress—stress which has understandable consequences on mood—need all the coping resources they can muster. What they do not need is a constant stream of negative thoughts and images to convince them they are a bad or worthless person who could never be forgiven. Therapy may be conceived as enabling the person to discriminate between realistic and depressive hopelessness so that the real problems can be faced realistically.”
“One thing I want you to know about hopelessness is that you do not have to be depressed to feel hopeless. Many, if not most, depressed people experience some degree of hopelessness. But hopelessness can overtake any of us. And hopelessness, research has shown, is the one common thread among the majority of those who elect the suicide option. Despairing of any future or solution to their problems, the utterly hopeless frequently find themselves thinking, ‘What’s the use? I might as well be dead.’
“To help you understand hopelessness, I will rely on the work of several psychologists whose ideas and research have done much to shed light on this most vexing state of mind. Martin Seligman, Aaron Beck, and many others have been working to understand a concept they call ‘learned helplessness.’ Learned helplessness means just what it says; that people, by experiencing repeated failures when they try to change their world, eventually learn that no matter what they try to do, they are helpless to control events in their lives. And, once they feel they are helpless to control their own futures, they fall quickly into a state of depression and the associated frame of mind called hopelessness.
“Here, in a nutshell, is how learned helplessness occurs. Excluding those people whose depressions may be biological in nature, the great majority of those of us who become depressed or dispirited become so in response to the loss of a loved one, or because of our failure to succeed in work or school, or through financial setbacks or because, for whatever reason, we come to believe that no matter how hard we try, our trying doesn’t matter. Even successful people can come to believe that it isn’t how hard you try, but the lucky breaks you get that make the difference in the happiness equation.
“This feeling that whatever you do doesn’t matter is at the heart of learned helplessness. It is as if, after you have been clobbered again and again by life, you come to believe that bad things just happen to you and there is nothing you can do to prevent them from happening. And, once you have arrived in this strange world where your efforts to change or control it don’t matter, it is a short step to a sense of hopelessness.
Factors in suicide:
• “Previous suicide attempt(s)
• History of mental disorders, particularly depression
• History of alcohol and substance abuse
• Family history of suicide
• Family history of child maltreatment
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Impulsive or aggressive tendencies
• Barriers to accessing mental health treatment
• Loss (relational, social, work, or financial)
• Physical illness
• Easy access to lethal methods
• Unwillingness to seek help because of the stigma attached to mental health and substance abuse disorders or suicidal thoughts
• Cultural and religious beliefs—for instance, the belief that suicide is a noble resolution of a personal dilemma
• Local epidemics of suicide
• Isolation, a feeling of being cut off from other people”
“Most people who seriously consider suicide do not want to die. Rather, they see suicide as a solution to a problem and a way to end their pain. People who seriously consider suicide feel hopeless, helpless, and worthless. A person who feels hopeless believes that no one can help with a particular event or problem. A person who feels helpless is immobilized and unable to take steps to solve problems. A person who feels worthless is overwhelmed with a sense of personal failure.
“Most people who seriously consider or attempt suicide have one or more of the following risks:
• A personal or family history of suicide attempts
• A family history of suicide attempts or completed suicide
• A personal or family history of depression or other mental health illness, such as bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) or schizophrenia
• An alcohol or drug problem (substance abuse problem), such as alcoholism”
The Internet can be wonderful tool if used rightly. But it can also be a tool used for evil. Such is the case with sites that advocate suicide. These sites, called “cybersuicide” sites, have been used by people to make suicide pacts and to give information on how to take one’s own life. On these sites, suicide is referred to as “catching the bus.” This is mostly a foreign phenomenon. But there are reasons to believe that people in America may one day begin using these sites, especially young people who are often more adept at using the Internet.
“Many children who attempt suicide have been sexually abused. This is true for boys as well as girls. Most have been abused by an adult in the family or a trusted family friend in a position of power over the child. When you are wondering why your child wants to die, one of the first questions to ask yourself is if your child has been sexually assaulted by someone you know. Why is this one of the first questions? Sexual abuse is devastating. There is a straight line from it to self-destructive behaviors. If it’s hidden and secret, its power may block any work on other issues until it’s out in the open.”
“Several authors have suggested that a high proportion of suicide attempters have an even more acute disruption in early social relationships: they suffer sexual abuse. Only recently has this been studied systematically. A 1993 study by Marjan Van Egmond and colleagues from the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Leiden, Netherlands, examined the extent of sexual abuse in a sample of 158 female suicide attempters aged 20 or older. The degree of sexual abuse was established by asking two questions: ‘Have you ever in your life been forced by anyone to have sexual intercourse?’ and, ‘Has any anyone ever forced you to perform or allow sexual contacts other than sexual intercourse?’ Around 50 per cent of subjects (79) reported having been sexually abused at some time in the past. The sexually abused women made their first suicide attempt earlier than the non-abused women: when they were 27 years old, on average, compared to an average age of 36. The abused women also had almost double the number of previous suicide attempts.”
“Children who are hit and children who witness other people getting hit develop many symptoms. They are at risk for chemical abuse, school problems, and stress-related ailments. Experts say these ‘negative relationships’ in the home lead to suicide. What is the history of physical abuse in your immediate family and in your family of origin? What is the connection between physical abuse and rage? Is there an adult in your family whose anger is unpredictable? Are your children getting hit or living in a home where they witness other people being physically abused? Your child will probably not get better while living in a violent situation.”
“Alcohol can be involved with suicidal behavior in a number of ways. Used prior to suicide, alcohol can ease a person’s fear of death and give him the courage to kill himself. It can be taken together with medications to increase the lethality of the drugs. Alternatively, people who have been drinking without serious suicidal intent might impulsively kill themselves while intoxicated.
“It has been found that a significant proportion of completed and attempted suicides drink alcohol prior to their suicidal actions. Welte’s group (1988) found that 33 percent of a sample of completed suicides from Erie County, New York, had alcohol in their bloodstream. In a British study, Varadaraj and Mendonca (1987) found that 41 percent of a sample of attempted suicides were intoxicated.
“Alcohol intoxication at the time of the suicidal act is more common in those who leave no suicide note, have made no prior attempts, use a firearm and kill themselves in the evening or at night, and in males 20 to 60 years of age (Welte et al., 1988). Among suicide attempters, those who are intoxicated make more lethal attempts. It is conceivable that those engaging in suicidal behavior when intoxicated are more reckless and impulsive and therefore more likely to die.”
Why People Commit Suicide
“Ten percent of the people who commit suicide do so for no apparent reason.
“Twenty-five percent are classified as mentally unstable. They have a variety of motivations, justifications, and rationalizations for their action. If a person states that he has been under psychiatric care or confined in a hospital, it is helpful to ask if the doctor prescribed medication for him. It is not uncommon for a person under the care of a physician to forget to take his medication, and this can contribute to his state of confusion.
“Forty percent commit suicide on an impulse, during a period of emotional upset. They are experiencing some kind of stress, pain, emotion, or defeat. It is when the stress is momentarily overwhelming that they decide to commit suicide. These individuals are most likely to call for help and are easiest to help. They will need to be supported, understood, and helped through the stress or crisis situation they are experiencing. They also will need some assistance in handling their problems so they will not again turn to suicide as an option.
“There is a pattern we call Depressive Suicide. The person is sitting on a high level of unacceptable rage that has developed because of a series of events in life over which he has no control. Eventually this repressed rage is turned against himself in suicide. Within our churches, we have depressed people who are ‘suicides waiting to happen.’ You don’t recognize them because they repress their depressive symptoms as well as their rage, and when they die, everyone is taken by surprise and shocked.
“There are many who commit suicide for relief of pain. People who have a low threshold for pain and experience chronic pain are candidates for suicide. Those with high levels of pain usually have three choices: a psychotic distortion that reduces the pain, drugs or alcohol, or finally ‘suicide.’ They often say, ‘I don’t want to die, but I don’t know any other way out—I just can’t stand it.’
“Others commit suicide for revenge. Some teenagers feel overwhelmed by a hurt or rejection from another person. Their desire to hurt back is stronger than the desire to live. For others, the death of a loved one, family member, or friend is too much to handle. Many of the sick and elderly indicate in suicide notes that they couldn’t handle being a burden upon others.
“Twenty-five percent commit suicide after giving it quiet consideration and weighing the pros and cons of living and dying. They decide that death is the best option. It may seem strange to us that there are people who feel this way. Perhaps this factor can motivate us who know the good news of life to share it with those who have no hope.”
Facts About Teen Suicide: Causes of Teenage Suicide
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for teenagers especially between ages 15 to 19. Though teen suicides are more like an impulsive act lacking maturity, there is no way you can justify people around them who fail to notice or downplay their cries for love, attention and help. What is it that drives the teens to believe that life is too difficult to deal with? Lets have a look…
Adolescence has always been a period of confusion with varying temperaments where teens have to deal with academic, social and individual pressures. Additional stress factors like violence in the family, poor performance, fear of punishment, rivalry etc can make them feel there is nothing to live for. Teen suicides are like precious lives turned futile causing an irreparable loss to the individual as well his close concerns.
Feelings that need to be addressed
Death is chosen because suffering becomes intolerable. (as per the teen perception) There is little hope for change, improvement or possibility of a better future with the life that they experience. They have an easy solution in mind i.e death means no pain. Most of the teen suicidal attempts are consequences of improper dealing with feelings of depression.
Facts about Teen Suicide
• Clear warning signs precede suicides in more than 90% of cases
• More suicides occur because of depression than being afflicted by fatal diseases
• Not all teenagers who commit suicide are mentally ill
• Possibility of completing a suicide increases with the number of attempts
• Most teen suicides can be prevented by effective communication and psychotherapy
• Pay attention to the post depressive period, when the individual looks near normal, it could be an unsafe period
Causes of Teenage Suicide
• Disharmony in the family
• Unhealthy or abusive relationship or break-up
• Alcohol or drug abuse
• Feelings of anger and guilt
• Physical or mental disorders
• Poor academic performance
• Sibling rivalry
• History of suicide within close circle
• Experience of a personal loss
• Inability to handle hardships due to low energy and depression
Notice the Red Alert Signs of Teenage Suicide
Parents need to look out for the warning signs and differentiate them from the normal teen angst over helplessness. Expression of feelings related to depression and worthlessness definitely means something is going seriously wrong. These symptoms may be present together or in varied combinations and are most effectively addressed if noticed earlier.
• Complaining of sadness, fatigue and emptiness
• Statements and jokes about death and suicide
• Loss of interest in fun and recreation
• Neglect of appearance
• Not responding to praise
• Social withdrawal and staying aloof most of the time
• Aggressive expressions of hatred and anger
• Insomnia and sleep disorders
• Trouble concentrating on studies
• Signs of hallucination and weird thoughts
• Physical signs like body aches and pains
• Indigestion and major changes in weight
• Drug or alcohol abuse
• Meeting people one cares about
• Setting affairs in order
• Throwing away important possessions
• Verbal hints like "I won’t cause a problem much longer"
Preventing Teen Suicide – Get Help Immediately
Immediate consultation of mental health professional is a must in extreme to moderate cases. An in-depth psychological evaluation with appropriate medications followed up in a timely manner is crucial.
Parents should watch over their teenagers and help them clear their distortions about life and bring back hope; vigor and joy of life back again. No magical spells are needed, help them open up and express whatever they feel. Do not leave the individual lonely and let there be more than one person he can turn to for help. It can be his guardian, friend, teacher, counselor, family doctor or anybody he can trust. Assure him that such feelings are temporary and will surely pass. Keep weapons like guns, blades and medications away from his reach. Agree to help the person whenever he wishes to speak out his feelings. Do not argue and find faults. The fact that someone is helping him figure out a way to betterment has a healing effect on him.
Am I Alone?
I get a funny feeling,
it comes from deep inside.
I get all mad and angry,
wanting to go and hide.
My doctor calls it depression,
my dad says it's just me.
But the thoughts and feelings,
no one will ever be able to see.
Some say I'm psycho,
some say I'm just weird.
It's like I'm a different person,
and the old me just disappeared.
I get really edgy,
I want to commit suicide real bad.
Then I get a headache,
followed by feeling sad.
I wish I could get help,
I wish it would go away.
Maybe if I keep praying real hard,
it will some day.
Life Is A Prison
Life is a prison,
Oh God let me out.
No one to listen,
To hear when you shout.
Climb the walls of insanity,
Ride the waves of despair.
If you fall it don't matter,
There's no one to care.
Used to wish for a window,
To see birds, trees and sky,
But you're better without one -
Stops you aiming too high.
Watching freedom is painful,
For those locked away.
Seeing joy, love and happiness,
Another price that you pay.
Strong is good, weak is bad.
Be it false, be it true.
Your mind makes the choice,
And enforces it too.
Cell walls built by society,
With rules to adhere.
If you breach the acceptable,
You had better beware.
Hide the pain, carry on,
Routine is the key.
Don't let on that you're not,
What you're pretending to be.
Lock it all up inside you,
How badly that bodes.
Look out for that one day,
When it all just explodes.
Leaving naught but a shell,
Base functionality too.
But killing all else,
That was uniquely you.
So how do you grow,
With a timebomb inside?
Or how to defuse it,
Without destroying its ride?
You can't.
Slow Tears
I look up
as a tear rolls slowly
down my cheek
I think about better days
and wonder if I'll feel that way again
you look at me
with those eyes I know so well
always serious, so deep and insightful
as though you're always in control
But not today
not now
Now you look so scared
like for once you don't have the answer
I gaze at you
looking deep into those hazel eyes
Hoping to understand
why you've said those things you did
I wonder for a moment
if this is all a dream
if I shall wake in the morning
and be relieved
you look at me
with a confusion I have never seen
slowly pull me towards you
and wipe the tears from my cheek
Corrupted Love
A warm sensation fills my body
My heart races with every touch
The softness of your voice soothes
My soul
As I lay there hoping the moment
Will never end
Calling out for you
Praying that you'll never let me go
The sensation so strong
I can no longer feel my body
Slowly I fade in and out of reality
In an instant the warm sensation
Fades away
My heart empty
My soul torn apart
Lying there; wondering where I went
Calling out for you, only to find
there is no answer
My mind invaded with thoughts
So cruel and unrefined
The sensation of fear of what's to come
Slowly the reality over powering
The lust and fantasy
Leaving me empty
Confused on how to think or feel
The loneliness I feel
So wretched and compelled
Betrayal to myself
Revealing the terrors of my love
Terra Incognizant
You would think by now, I would know my way around,
I shouldn't miss you so badly, I should be on familiar ground.
How many more lonely years, must meander by,
until I learn the lesson, it does no good to cry.
What manner of iron will, must some people possess,
to be always looking forward, to never accept regress.
Perhaps if I was willing, to let someone take me by the hand,
they could show me a happy place, in this unfamiliar land.
Perhaps I'm only homesick, for all the joys that once were mine,
I must accept that they and you, belong to another place and time.
But I know that deep within my heart, there's a place where only you reside,
and when the pain of loneliness comes, it knows that is where I hide.
So if sometimes it seems to you, I'm clinging to the past,
it's mostly because I can't yet accept, that our love didn't last.
No matter how hard I try, I've yet to get over you,
for the part of me that's still alive, believes you love me too.
Maybe there will come a day, when that part will finally die,
and feeling strong with a heart reborn, a new love I will finally try.
And what a splendid day that will be, when I awaken to discover,
I'm happily learning a great new land, with a great new friend and lover.
ocean waves
wash my soul
cleanse me of your smile
and the memory of
ten fingers
entwined forever
in a hopeless wish
At Night
At night
At night I lay and think of you hoping my wishes and dreams come true
At night I wonder can this be the end is this all that's left
At night I wish we could go to the way things were
At night I lay and cry about the things that happened and how it all ended
At night I lay and think of us, I mean you and I
At night I realize there's no more us
At night I dream of us together again
At night I wish for us to be together again
But in the morning I realize it was all
At Night
Thinking. Can't stop thinking.
Think of you. This. That. That Life. That day.
That dream was mine.
A utopian dream.
Your aura; struck me like lightning to a tree.
Pointy, like a star, you shone.
So bright, yet not shining as a star would,
But as apparent as white chalk on a blackboard.
You would not show off like a star.
Yet you did burn so hot, so fiercely, so explosively -
you were a star in my eyes.
But like all stars, you died.
That gas was gone.
No pull between us.
The atmosphere was dry
and I began to choke.
I was taken from my star - like a child being taken from its poor,
drunken mother - I did not know what was happening.
Dazed. Confused. Without true reality, I there sat.
The end of my world had only just begun, with yours beginning.
Our Love
our love is a
promises in vain
of past
of present
of future
in my palms
For Sean
I caught a
glimpse of myself
as I opened my
car door
a face
I don't really
stared back at me
it looked eighty
bitter eyes
sharp lines in my
a girl raped of her
I suppose
you know it's been
millions of years
since I've talked to you
I feel like you
let me feel the snow again
before I had to
sever you
from my side
let me hold your hand
the simplest things that
haunt me
let me pretend that
I don't really know the
or better yet
let me
the girl
under my skin
took away
My Love Left On A Saturday
My belt loosens slowly.
Reminders of you stay fresh
in murky ponds of suffocating tadpoles.
Wake me in the morning,
when the sun shines again.
It's frightening when all I know
falls apart.
And all I know is you.
Hunger squeezes me tighter.
My soul sags with exhaustion.
Ashtrays fill with sleepless nights.
Weeping intensifies my anxiety.
Can tomorrow come without you...
here today?
The cheap chandelier falls on my face.
The rose filled lamp explodes in my hands.
Pain is unrecognizable.
All I knew was you.
My love.
To My Valentine
Once upon
A time
There was
Truth to the
Myth of what
And I
Had found
In a blank paged
Fairy tale.
Snow White
Doesn't sleep
In a casket made of
Slippers will break
If you wear them.
Walk across this
Written word
With fingers
And me
No more.
He loves
He loves me!
My Valentine
Will you
Be mine
No longer . . .
Making Love To A Friend
You were always so perfect to me,
so soft and gentle,
cherishing you instantly,
without a second glance,
I never distrusted those eyes,
that lied to me continuously,
I promised you I'd always try,
but slowly you were losing me.
I would always have given you anything,
just to keep your interest,
stopping my heart from remembering,
all the pain you caused,
I never pulled away from that kiss,
that held a painful hint of truth,
Maybe you'd be too hard to miss,
so I said I was still in love with you.
I wanted more than just the infatuation,
that you found in me.
You said love was only a distraction,
that you really didn't need,
so I cried myself to sleep,
knowing the times we shared must end.
You couldn't let emotion run deep,
you said you made love to me, as a friend.
But eventually, my love,
friendships fade, too,
and I can't make love and walk away,
pretending I don't love you.
Never once did I push you away,
but everything comes to end,
so all that's left to say,
is goodbye,
I loved loving you, my friend.
Touch Yourself And You Touch Me
I understand the why
Yet I cannot grasp the how;
But if this is the way you must handle us
I will try to understand somehow.
There is one thing that I ask
As you walk away;
Please create a corner in your heart for me
So at least, there, I can always stay.
You will always be my love
That will never change;
Though we are going separate ways
That fact remains the same.
I know we must let each other go
Circumstances force us to set each other free;
But today, I give back to you . . . your words -
Touch Yourself and You Touch Me.
Natural Disaster
Darkened clouds, wind and rain.
Left alone with all this pain.
It’s winter here without you.
Landslides always drag me down
Trapped for days, will I be found ?
I pray for skies of blue.
Flooded plains within my head
Tornadoes draw near, leave me for dead.
I feel alone without you.
Drought from tears I know not for
I’ve cried for days, I cry no more.
I’ve made mistakes, it’s true
Hurricane waves pound on my shore
I’m drowning on my bedroom floor.
Will we never be together?
This natural bridge from heart to heart
Collapsed in shreds, fallen apart
These seasons last forever.
Medical sales representatives
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Job description
Medical sales representatives are a key link between medical and pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals. They work strategically to increase the awareness and use of a company’s pharmaceutical and medical products in settings such as general practices, primary care trusts and hospitals. Typical work activities
In any setting, the process of selling involves contacting potential customers, identifying their needs, persuading them that your products or services (rather than those of competitors) can best satisfy those needs, closing the sale by agreeing the terms and conditions, and providing an after-sales service. Medical sales representatives do all of this and more.
Step -1
In particular, typical work activities include:
• arranging appointments with doctors, pharmacists and hospital medical teams, which may include pre-arranged appointments or regular 'cold' calling;
• making presentations to doctors, practice staff and nurses in GP surgeries, hospital doctors, and pharmacists in the retail sector. Presentations may take place in medical settings during the day or may be conducted in the evenings at a local hotel or conference venue;
• organising conferences for doctors and other medical staff;
• building and maintaining positive working relationships with medical staff and supporting administration staff e.g. receptionists;
• managing budgets (for catering, outside speakers, conferences, hospitality, etc);
• keeping detailed records of all contacts and reaching (and if possible exceeding) annual sales targets;
• planning work schedules and weekly and monthly timetables. This may involve working with the area sales team or discussing future targets with the area sales manager. Generally, medical sales executives have their own regional area of responsibility and plan how and when to target health professions;
• regularly attending company meetings, technical data presentations and briefings;
• keeping up with the latest clinical data supplied by the company and interpreting, presenting and discussing this data with health professionals during presentations;
• monitoring competitor activity and competitors' products;
• maintaining knowledge of new developments in The National Health Service (NHS) , anticipating potential negative and positive impacts on the business and adapting strategy accordingly;
• developing strategies for increasing opportunities to meet and talk to contacts in the medical and healthcare sector;
• staying informed about the activities of health services in a particular area;
• working with team managers to plan how to approach contacts and creating effective business plans for making sales in a particular area.
Step -2
They increase their connections with the medical stores and hospitals and all kind of medical services to lounge their product and for the maximum use of them. To sell their product or to lounge a product they sometimes also arrange conferences and do presentations with medical professionals. For the purpose they also organise events for medical professionals.
The activities that a medical sale representative should do are as follows:
• contact customers
• find out the needs of the customers
• to uphold about the product to the customers
• try to satisfy the needs
• ensure the terms and conditions of the sale
• be concerned about the opinion of the customers after selling the product
• arrange appointments with medical teams, doctors and pharmacists.
• Making presentations to the medical professionals like: doctors, pharmacists, nurses, practice staffs and to all the necessary personnel related to the sector.
• Presentations should take place to a suitable time and place for all thus the targeted people can come conveniently. Like: the presentation may take place during the day time or may be in the evening or at a hotel’s or restaurant’s conference venue.
• Build and maintain positive connections and working relationships with medical personnel and also with the supporting administration.
• Manage budgets for the event or for the team work and all the necessary items to be included in the list. Like: catering, conferences, gifts items, convenes.
• Keep the records of all the contacts.
• Time and work planning in a correct way.
• Each representative are allotted for each area. Thus each representative of each area can survey the needs of the area people and can make up a forum of their needs and future targets. The representatives along with the area people and area doctors and other medical professionals make a plan for their better living, better future and better healthcare services.
• Attain company meetings regularly, collect technical data, presentations and briefings.
• Presenting and discussing the present which is supplied by the company with healthcare and medical professionals during conferences and presentations.
• Monitor what are the competitive companies doing and about their products and how are they taking steps for taking the market and defeating others.
• Monitor and anticipate positive and negative affects and impacts of the market to the product and adapting proper strategy to prevent that.
• Developing strategies even though there is not a threat or a negative impact on the product. But the strategies should be kept developing all the time for the increment of the opportunities to meet the needs of the people for a stable market value and reputation.
• Getting information about the after effect of the product and how the users and consumers reviewed about the product.
Step -3
• Maintain reflective gentle dress to make good impression.
• Maintain discipline at the time of duty.
• Never use alcohol at the time of duty.
• Make fix route +visit program.
• Fix the doctor, retailer on each area before visit.
• Tray to add doctor on each visit .
• Make working plan before starting field work.
• Be concentrate on blocking of stock in field.
• Make a faithful relation with prescriber and retailer.
• Never make any false commitment with prescriber and retailer.
• Start with a gentle smooth introduction with prescriber and retailer.
• Sharing information about our product & visual book in a short time period.
• Never make bore to prescriber.
• Sampling.
• Request for corporation.
• Always make a parlal relation with retailer and pres
What is the Liver?The liver is the largest glandular organ of the body. It weighs about 3 lb (1.36 kg). It is reddish brown in color and is divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape. The liver lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. Blood is carried to the liver via two large vessels called the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The heptic artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the aorta (a major vessel in the heart). The portal vein carries blood containing digested food from the small intestine. These blood vessels subdivide in the liver repeatedly, terminating in very small capillaries. Each capillary leads to a lobule. Liver tissue is composed of thousands of lobules, and each lobule is made up of hepatic cells, the basic metabolic cells of the liver.
What is its major function?
The liver has many functions. Some of the functions are: to produce substances that break down fats, convert glucose to glycogen, produce urea (the main substance of urine), make certain amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), filter harmful substances from the blood (such as alcohol), storage of vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, D, K and B12) and maintain a proper level or glucose in the blood. The liver is also responsible for producing cholesterol. It produces about 80% of the cholesterol in your body.
Diseases of the Liver
Several diseases states can affect the liver. Some of the diseases are Wilson's Disease, hepatitis (an inflammation of the liver), liver cancer, and cirrhosis (a chronic inflammation that progresses ultimately to organ failure). Alcohol alters the metabolism of the liver, which can have overall detrimental effects if alcohol is taken over long periods of time.
What are the Adrenal Glands?
The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce hormones. A hormone is a chemical messenger. Each hormone influences specific organs or tissues, thus regulating a certain body process.
The adrenal glands are shaped like a boomerang and located on top of each kidney. The adrenal glands are about the size of the end of your thumb.
The adrenal glands produce hormones that affect almost every system in your body. When the adrenal glands fail to work properly, serious diseases and disorders can develop.
One of the hormones that the adrenal glands secretes is called adrenaline. Adrenaline produces a sudden and remarkable burst of energy.
Outer and Inner layer
The adrenal glands consists of two portions: the inner core (medulla) and the outer layer (cortex).
The inner core of the adrenal gland produces hormones called catecholamines. The 2 most important catecholamines are: adrenaline and noradrenaline. Physical and emotional stress usually trigger their release. When secreted into the bloodstream, adrenaline and noradrenaline increase heart rate and blood pressure. Adrenaline often produces a sudden and remarkable burst of energy.
The outer layer of the adrenal gland produces hormones called corticosteroids. There are three types of corticosteroids.
Sex Hormones.
Male androgens and female estrogens.
They affect sexual development and reproduction.
Sex hormones are also produced in larger amounts in the testicles and ovaries.
Hormones that aid in the conversion of starchy foods into glycogen.
An important glucocorticoid is cortisol. Cortisol helps regulate the immune system, helps maintain proper blood pressure and blood volume, and helps the body deal with physical stress.
Control the body's content of the minerals sodium and potassium.
What is the Appendix?
The Appendix is a worm-shaped appendage that sticks out from the top portion of the large intestine.
The appendix can become inflamed. If an inflamed appendix is not treated immediately, the appendix can burst.
What is the Main Function of Appendix?
The main function of the appendix is unknown.
Diseases and Conditions of the Appendix
Appendicitis and Carcinoid Syndrome are the most common conditions that affect the appendix. Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix.
Carcinoid syndrome is a condition where caracinoid tumors grow in the appendix. The tumors may spread to other parts of the body.
What is the Bladder?
The bladder is a hollow, muscular, balloon shaped organ that lies in your pelvis. It collects urine from your kidneys and stores it until it is full enough to empty through the urethra.
The bladder swells into a round shape when it is full and gets smaller when empty. If the urinary system is healthy, the average adult bladder holds about 2 cups of urine for 2 to 5 hours.
Kegal exercises can strengthen the muscles that hold the bladder and improve bladder control.
Function of the Bladder
The bladder's main function is to store and release urine. Nerves in the bladder tell you when it is time to urinate (empty your bladder). As the bladder first fills with urine, you may notice a feeling that you need to urinate. The sensation to urinate becomes stronger as the bladder continues to fill and reaches its limit. At that point, nerves from the bladder send a message to the brain that the bladder is full, and your urge to empty your bladder intensifies.
When you urinate, the brain signals the bladder muscles to tighten, squeezing urine out of the bladder.
What is the Brain?
The brain is the portion of the central nervous system in vertebrates (animals with bones) that lies within the skull. In humans, the brain weighs about 3 pounds. Differences in weight and size do not correlate with differences in mental ability.
The brain is the control center for movement, sleep, hunger, thirst, and virtually every other vital activity necessary to survive.
The brain is a pinkish-gray mass that is composed of about 10 billion nerve cells. The nerve cells are linked to each other and together are responsible for the control of all mental functions. Nerve fibers in the brain are covered in a near-white substance called myelin and form the white matter of the brain. Nerve cell bodies, which are not covered by myelin sheaths, form the gray matter.
The entire brain is enveloped in three protective sheets known as the meninges, continuations of the membranes that wrap the spinal cord. The two inner sheets enclose a shock-absorbing cushion of cerebrospinal fluid. Nerve fibers in the brain are covered in a near-white substance called myelin and form the white matter of the brain. Nerve cell bodies, which are not covered by myelin sheaths, form the gray matter.
The brain is divided into three major parts, the hindbrain (including the cerebellum and the brain stem), the midbrain, and the forebrain (including the diencephalon and the cerebrum).
The brain is a delicate organ that must be protected. When participating in activities such as skiing or snowboarding, wear a helmet to help reduce brain injuries. Also, try to avoid heat stroke because the brain can only function in a very narrow temperature range.
What is the brain's major function?
Each area of the brain has an associated function, although many functions may involve a number of different areas.
The cerebellum is the hind part of the brain. It is made up of gray, unmyelinated cells on the exterior and white, myelinated cells in the interior. The cerebellum coordinates muscular movements and, along with the midbrain, monitors posture. It is essential to the control of movement of the human body in space. The brain stem, which incorporates the medulla and the pons, monitors involuntary activities such as breathing and vomiting.
The thalamus, which forms the major part of the diencephalon, receives incoming sensory impulses and routes them to the appropriate higher centers. The hypothalamus, occupying the rest of the diencephalon, regulates heartbeat, body temperature, and fluid balance. Above the thalamus extends the corpus callosum, a neuron-rich membrane connecting the two hemispheres of the cerebrum.
The cerebrum occupies the topmost portion of the skull. It is by far the largest part of the brain. It makes up about 85% of the brain's weight. The cerebrum is split vertically into left and right hemispheres, it appears deeply fissured and grooved. Its upper surface, the cerebral cortex, contains most of the master controls of the body. In the cerebral cortex ultimate analysis of sensory data occurs, and motor impulses originate that initiate, reinforce, or inhibit the entire spectrum of muscle and gland activity. The left half of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body; the right half controls the left side. (This explains why if a stroke occurs in the left half of the brain, the right side of the body is affected)
Other important parts of the brain are the pituitary gland, the basal ganglia, and the reticular activating system (RAS). The pituitary participates in growth regulation. The basal ganglia, located just above the diencephalon in each cerebral hemisphere, handle coordination and habitual but acquired skills like chewing and playing the piano. The RAS forms a special system of nerve cells linking the medulla, pons, midbrain, and cerebral cortex. The RAS functions as a sentry. In a noisy crowd, for example, the RAS alerts a person when a friend speaks and enables that person to ignore other sounds.
Diseases and Conditions of the Brain
Stroke, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, coma, paralytic polio, Parkinson's disease, Leu Gehrig's Disease, Cerebral Palsy, and migraine headaches are all diseases and conditions that affect the brain.
A stroke is damage to the brain due either to blockage in blood flow or to loss of blood from blood vessels in the brain.
What is an Eye?
An eye is a round-shaped organ that works with the brain to provide us with vision. The shape of the eye is maintained by the pressure of the aqueous humor. The aqueous humor is the fluid that fills the front chamber of the eye.
Function of the Eye
The main function of the eye is to work with the brain to provide us with vision. The eye and brain translate light waves into a sensation we call vision.
Eye Parts
The eye has many parts. Some of the main parts are listed and described below.
• lens
o The transparent crystalline lens of the eye is located immediately behind the iris.
• cornea
o The cornea is a transparent dome which serves as the outer window of the eye. The cornea is the most powerful structure focusing light entering the eye.
• retina
o The retina is the innermost layer of the eye. It is composed of nerve tissue which senses the light entering the eye.
o The retina sends impulses through the optic nerve back to the brain, which translates the impulses into images that we see.
o There are 4 types of light-sensitive receptors found in the retina
cones that absorb long-wavelength light (red)
cones that absorb middle-wavelength light (green)
cones that absorb short-wavelength light (blue)
• pupil
o The pupil is the hole in the center of the eye where light passes through.
• iris
o The iris is the colored part of the eye. It is a thin diaphragm composed mostly of connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers. The iris lies between the cornea and the crystalline lens.
• optic nerve
o The optic nerve is a continuation of the axons of the ganglion cells in the retina. It acts acts like a cable connecting the eye with the brain.
o The optic nerve is also called the cranial nerve II.
• sclera
o The sclera is the white, opaque portion of the eye. It provides protection and serves as an attachment for the extraocular muscles which move the eye.
Eye Doctor
An eye doctor is called an opthamologist. Periodic eye examinations by an opthamologist is the best defense against eye disease. You can also receive eye care from an optometrist or optician.
An optometrist is a college graduate who has received 4 years of training and is licensed to diagnose and treat vision problems and prescribe glasses and contact lenses.
An optician is a person trained to prepare and fit glasses after an opthamologist or optometrist has examined your eyes and prescribed vision correction.
Diseases/Conditions of the Eye
Some common conditions that afflict the eye are listed below.
• Glaucoma
• Farsightedness
• Nearsightedness
• Pink Eye
• Sty
• Blindness
• Astigmatism
• Tumors
• Infections
• Cataracts
• Dry Eye Syndrome
• Macular Degeneration
• Ectropion
• Entropion
• Bumps on the eyelid
Warning Signs of Eye Problems
• Difficulty adjusting to darkness
• Double vision
• Red eyes
• Crusty or swollen eyes
• Recurring pain in or around the eyes
• Excessive tearing or watering
• Very dry, itchy or burning eyes
• Loss of peripheral vision
• Dark spots in the center of your viewing area
• Change in color of the colored part of your eye
• Vision that suddenly becomes blurred or hazy
What is the Gallbladder?
The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that stores and concentrates bile. The gallbladder is connected to the liver by the hepatic duct. It is approximately 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 cm) long and about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide.
The gallbladder is also called a 'gall bladder'.
What is its Function?
The function of the gallbladder is to store bile and concentrate. Bile is a digestive liquid continually secreted by the liver. The bile emulsifies fats and neutralizes acids in partly digested food. A muscular valve in the common bile duct opens, and the bile flows from the gallbladder into the cystic duct, along the common bile duct, and into the duodenum (part of the small intestine).
Conditions and Diseases of the gallbladder
Sometimes the substances contained in bile crystallize in the gallbladder, forming gallstones. These small, hard concretions are more common in persons over 40, especially in women and the obese. They can cause inflammation of the gallbladder, a disorder that produces symptoms similar to those of indigestion, especially after a fatty meal is consumed. If a stone becomes lodged in the bile duct, it produces severe pain. Gallstones may pass out of the body spontaneously; however, serious blockage is treated by removing the gallbladder surgically.
Removal of the Gallbladder
In some cases, the gallbladder must be removed. The surgery to remove the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy (pronounced co-lee-sist-eck-toe-mee). In a cholecystectomy, the gallbladder is removed through a 5- to 8-inch long cut in your abdomen.
Once the gallbladder is removed, bile is delivered directly from the liver ducts to the upper part of the intestine.
Complications from Gallbladder removal
Complications are rare. When complications occur, they may be in the form of: bleeding, infection and injury to the duct (tube) that carries bile from your gallbladder to your stomach.
Some patients also experience diarrhea. The cause of diarrhea after gallbladder removal isn't clear.
The heart is made of a special kind of muscle called myocardium, and is enclosed in a double-layered, membranous sac called a pericardium.
The heart lies in the chest cavity between the lungs. It is composed of four chambers, many large arteries and many veins. The four chambers are called atrium and ventricles. A wall of muscle divides the heart into two cavities: the left cavity pumps blood throughout the body, while the right cavity pumps blood only through the lungs. Two chambers of the heart lie in the left cavity and two chambers lie in the right cavity.
The two upper chambers of the heart are called atrium, the bottom chambers are called ventricles. The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body except for the lungs. The left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the rest of the body. An adult heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day, pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood. It has been estimated that the heart will beat about 3 billion times during a 70 year lifetime.
Your heart pumps nearly five quarts of blood through your body every 60 seconds.
Given the heart's arduous task of supplying the body with blood every day, it must be well taken care of. A heart that is improperly cared for may develop heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans.
Each year there are more than 1.1 million heart attacks in the United States. Unfortunately, of these heart attacks, 250,000 are sudden, causing the patient to die within an hour. Heart disease is often treated by eating foods with low cholesterol, weight loss, exercise and medical treatment. If you would like to know if weight loss will decrease your chance of heart disease, determine your body mass index. Intake of healthy foods like oranges, avocados, and broccoli will also decrease the possibility of developing heart disease.
Heart Attack and strokes are the outward signs of heart disease, namely the accumulation of arterial plaque which slowly constricts or closes arterial passageways, causing life threatening conditions. Heart disease does not happen overnight, but is a life-long progression.
The heart responds to many heart and circulatory conditions by enlarging up to 4 times its normal size. An enlarged heart is common in atrial fibrillation and long standing high blood pressure patients.
What is the Intestine?
The intestine is the portion of the digestive tract between the stomach and the anus. It is divided into two major sections: small intestine and large intestine.
The small intestine is about 6 meters (20 feet) long. It is coiled in the center of the abdominal cavity (see picture). The small intestine is divided into 3 sections: upper, jejunum, and ileum. The lining of the small intestine secretes a hormone called secretin, which stimulates the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes.
The large intestine has a larger width but is only 1.5 meters (5 feet) long. The large intestine is divided into 6 parts: cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum.
Major function of Intestines
The small and large intestines perform different functions. The small intestine is where the most extensive part of digestion occurs. Most food products are absorbed in the small intestine. The large intestine is responsible for absorption of water and excretion of solid waste material. Food and waste material are moved along the length of the intestine by rhythmic contractions of intestinal muscles; these contractions are called peristaltic movements. Waste is solid because most of the water has been removed by the intestines as it travels through them.
If the intestines are not working properly, green stool, Crohn's disease, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or Tapeworms may be present.
Sometimes the intestine can protrude through an abnormal opening in the body and cause a hernia
What is a Kidney?
In humans, the kidneys are two small organs located near the vertebral column at the small of the back. The left kidney lies a little higher than the right kidney. They are bean-shaped, about 4 in. (10 cm) long and about 21/2 in. (6.4 cm) wide.
What is its major function?
They kidneys have a couple of different functions. The main purpose of the kidney is to separate urea, mineral salts, toxins, and other waste products from the blood. The kidneys also conserve water, salts, and electrolytes. At least one kidney must function properly for life to be maintained.
Diseases and Conditions of the Kidney
Some of the most common kidney diseases and conditions are: polycystic kidney disease, nephrosis, lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, rhabdomyolysis, kidney stones, and renal tubular acidosis.
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited disease characterized by the growth of numerous cysts filled with fluid in the kidneys.
Nephrosis is a kidney disease characterized by lesions of the epithelial lining of the renal tubules. The lesions cause a disturbance in the filtration function of the kidney. As a result, large amounts of protein is found in the urine.
Lupus nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney caused by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a disease of the immune system.
Diabetic Nephropathy is a kidney condition that occurs only in people with diabetes mellitus. It results in progressive damage to the small filtering units of the kidney (glomeruli). About 20-30% of people with diabetes develop diabetic nephropathy.
Glomerulonephritis is a type of kidney disease caused by inflammation of the internal kidney structures.
Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidney and the ureters.
Rhabdomyolysis is a disorder involving injury to the kidney. It has been linked to the drug crestor.
A kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from the urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Kidney stones occur in roughly one in 10 people in the United States. Once a person gets more than one stone, others are likely to develop.
Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) is a disease that occurs when the kidneys fail to excrete acids into the urine, which causes a person's blood to remain too acidic.
What are Lungs?
The Lungs are paired organs in the chest that perform respiration. Each human has two lungs. Each lung is between 10 and 12 inches long. The two lungs are separated by a structure called the mediastinum. The mediastinum contains the heart, trachea, esophagus, and blood vessels. The lungs are covered by a protective membrane called the pulmonary pleura.
Lung function normally peaks in the late teens and early twenties. After the early twenties, lung function declines about 1 percent a year over the rest of a person's lifetime. Lung function decreases about 2 percent a year for people who smoke.
What do your Lungs do?
Your lungs do a vital job. Each day, you take about 23,000 breaths, which bring almost 10,000 quarts of air into your lungs. The air that you breath in contains several gases, including oxygen, that your cells need to function. With each breath, your lungs add fresh oxygen to your blood, which then carries it to your cells. The main function of your lungs is respiration.
What is Respiration?
Respiration is the process of oxygen from incoming air entering the blood, and carbon dioxide, a waste gas from the metabolism of food leaving the blood.
Steam rooms and your lungs
The warm, moist air in a steam room helps clear and sooth your nasal passages, throat, and lungs, making it easier for you to breathe.
Organ Donations
Organ donations are vital because they provide necessary lifesaving measures for individuals who need the organs to survive. The following will detail some information regarding organ donations and highlight procedures where organ donation may be necessary.
What is organ donation?
Organ donation is the removal of specific tissues of the human body from a person who has recently died, or from a living donor, for the purpose of transplanting them into other persons. Anyone can choose to be an organ donor. However, individuals who are under the age of 18 need parental consent in order to be an organ donor. If you decide to be an organ donor, you can place an 'organ donor' sticker on your driver’s license and/or on an organ donor card.
Organ donation procedures
When an individual elects to have their organs donated after they die, their organs will be matched to possible recipients on the organ donation registry. If there is a match, the organs will be distributed to the people who have the highest priority on the list.
Types of organs that can be donated
The types of organs which can be donated include lungs, liver, pancreas, intestines, heart, kidneys, and skin.
Considerations Regarding Organ Donation
Organ donation is a serious matter. It is an option that should be examined closely and discussed with various individuals. It is very important to discuss organ donation wishes with family members. It is important that family members are told about a decision to become an organ donor.
Those who wish to become organ donors should also discuss the issue with medical health professionals or representatives at the organ donor registry so that they know exactly what they are signing up for. Having as much information as possible will lead the individual to make an informed decision regarding their organ donation selection.
Organ donation is needed
Organ donation is something which is always in demand. There are many individuals on waiting lists throughout the world who need organ replacements as soon as possible. Therefore, if one is considering organ donation it is helpful to know that their election to do so will help a great deal of individuals who currently need organ transplants to survive.
What are ovaries?
The ovaries are a pair of female reproductive organs. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries are connected to each other by the Fallopian tubes. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries have two functions: they produce eggs (also called ova) and female hormones. The size of each ovary is about 1.5 inches long.
Each month, during the menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a fallopian tube to the uterus.
The ovaries are the main source of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone). These hormones control the development of female body characteristics, such as the breasts, body shape, and body hair. The ovaries also regulate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
What is estrogen?
Estrogen is a group of female sex hormones that stimulate the appearance of secondary female sex characteristics in girls at puberty. Estrogen controls controls the growth of the lining of the uterus during the first part of the menstrual cycle, cause breast development in pregnancy and regulates various metabolic processes.
What is the Pancreas?
The pancreas is a glandular organ that secretes digestive enzymes (internal secretions) and hormones (external secretions). In humans, the pancreas is a yellowish organ about 7 inches (17.8 cm) long and 1.5 inches. (3.8 cm) wide.
The pancreas lies beneath the stomach and is connected to the small intestine at the duodenum (see digestive system).
The pancreas contains enzyme producing cells that secrete two hormones. The two hormones are insulin and glucagon. Insulin and glucagon are secreted directly into the bloodstream, and together, they regulate the level of glucose in the blood. Insulin lowers the blood sugar level and increases the amount of glucagon (stored carbohydrate) in the liver. Glucagon slowly increases the blood sugar level if it falls too low. If the insulin secreting cells do not work properly, diabetes occurs.
What else does the Pancreas Do?
The pancreas produces the body's most important enzymes. The enzymes are designed to digest foods and break down starches.
The pancreas also helps neutralize chyme and helps break down proteins, fats and starch. Chyme is a thick semifluid mass of partly digested food that is passed from the stomach to the duodenum. If the pancreas is not working properly to neutralize chyme and break down proteins, fats and starch, starvation may occur.
What is the Prostate Gland?
The prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland located in the pelvic area, just below the outlet of the bladder and in front of the rectum. It encircles the upper part of the urethra, which is the tube that empties urine from the bladder. The prostate gland is only present in males.
The prostate is a part of every man's reproductive system. It requires male hormones, like testosterone, to function properly, helping to regulate bladder control and normal sexual functioning.
Function of the Prostate Gland
The main function of the prostate gland is to store and produce seminal fluid. Seminal fluid is a milky liquid that nourishes sperm.
Conditions affecting the Prostate Gland
Prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate gland. It is often the result of a bacterial infection
Enlarged Prostate: A non cancerous growth of the prostate that can interfere with urination. Symptoms include: urgent feeing to urinate, weak urinary stream, frequent need to urinate, involuntary discharge of urine.
Prostate Cancer: Cancer affecting the prostate gland. It is the most common cancer in American men. Prostate cancer grows slowly and may not spread for many years. Symptoms include: difficulty starting urine flow, pain during urination, loss of weight and appetite, blood in urine, painful ejaculation. A prostate exam can help prevent prostate cancer.
What is the Spleen?
The human spleen is an organ that creates lymphocytes for the destruction and recycling of old red-blood cells. The spleen is also a blood reservoir. It supplies the body with blood in emergencies such as a bad cut. The spleen is also the location where white blood cells trap organisms.
The spleen is shaped like a loose fist and is tucked under the left side of the diaphragm.
The average weight of an adult spleen is 0.44 lbs. During and after digestion, the size of the spleen increases. Infection of malaria or mono can also cause the spleen to increase in size.
If the increase in size is significant, the spleen can rupture. If the spleen ruptures, immediate medical care is necessary. You may need emergency surgery to control the bleeding.
Other diseases that causes enlargement of the spleen are: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, lymphoma.
Where is the Spleen located?
The spleen is located in the upper-left part of your abdomen. It is protected by your rib cage.
Can the Spleen be removed?
Yes. If the spleen is ruptured, it can be removed. The spleen can also be removed because of certain kinds of cancers.
What is the stomach?
The stomach is an organ of digestion. It has a saclike shape and is located between the esophagus and the intestines. Almost every animal has a stomach.
The human stomach is a muscular, elastic, pear-shaped bag, lying crosswise in the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. It changes size and shape according to is position of the body and the amount of food inside. The stomach is about 12 inches (30.5 cm) long and is 6 inches. (15.2 cm) wide at its widest point. The stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult.
Food enters the stomach from the esophagus. The connection between the stomach and the esophagus is called the cardiac sphincter. The cardiac sphincter prevents food from passing back to the esophagus. Heart burn is the sensation when stomach juices (gastric juice) is allowed to seep through the sphincter into the esophagus. Once the food enters the stomach, gastric juices are used to break down the food. Some substances are absorbed muscle lining of the stomach. One of the substances the stomach absorbs is alcohol.
The other end of the stomach empties into the duodenum. The duodenum is the first section of the small intestine. The pyloric sphincter separates the stomach from the duodenum.
The stomach is composed of five layers. Starting from the inside and working our way out, the innermost layer is called the mucosa. Stomach acid and digestive juices are made in the mucosa layer. The next layer is called the submucosa. The submucosa is surrounded by the muscularis, a layer of muscle that moves and mixes the stomach contents. The next two layers, the subserosa and the serosa are the wrapping for the stomach. The serosa is the outermost layer of the stomach.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
If you are considering a gastric bypass surgery, read Gastric Bypass Surgery - What No One Tells you
Diseases of the Stomach
Some of the common stomach conditions are: stomach ulcer, gastritis, and stomach cancer. If there is bleeding in the stomach, black stool may occur.
What Is Stomach Cancer?
Cancer occurs when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. There are many kinds of cancer and they all come about because of out-of-control growth of abnormal cells. Different types of cancer behave very differently. Lung cancer, breast cancer, vaginal cancer, and liver cancer are very different diseases. The diseases grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. People with cancer need treatment that is aimed at their kind of cancer.
Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer starts in the stomach. The stomach is divided into five different layers. Cancer can develop in any of these sections. View the stomach.
The stomach is composed of five layers. Starting from the inside and working our way out, the innermost layer is called the mucosa. Stomach acid and digestive juices are made in the mucosa layer. The next layer is called the submucosa. The submucosa is surrounded by the muscularis, a layer of muscle that moves and mixes the stomach contents. The next two layers, the subserosa and the serosa are the wrapping for the stomach. The serosa is the outermost layer of the stomach.
Most stomach cancers start in the mucosa. The cancer can grow deeper and infect the other layers. As it grows deeper, the outlook for a cure gets worse.
Stomach cancers grow slowly over many years. Cancer just doesn't suddenly appear. As the cancer develops, there are usually changes that occur in the lining of the stomach. These early changes usually do not produce symptoms and are often are unnoticed.
How does Stomach Cancer spread?
Stomach cancer can spread to different parts of the body. It can grow through the wall of the stomach and into nearby organs or it can also spread to the lymph nodes and then through the lymph system.
When stomach cancer is more advanced, it will travel through the blood stream and form deposits of cancer cells in organs such as the liver, lungs, and bones. But even though it has spread to other organs, it is still called stomach cancer. If it has spread in this manner, it can no longer be cured.
Types of Stomach Cancer
There are three main types of stomach cancers: lymphomas, gastric stromal tumors, and carcinoid tumors. Lymphomas are cancers of the immune system tissue that are sometimes found in the wall of the stomach. Gastric stromal tumors develop from the tissue of the stomach wall. Carcinoid tumors are tumors of hormone-producing cells of the stomach.
Symptoms of Stomach Cancer
• Unintended weight loss and lack of appetite
• Pain in the area of the stomach (abdominal pain)
• Vague discomfort in the abdomen, often above the navel
• A sense of fullness just below the chest bone after eating a small meal
• Heartburn, indigestion, or ulcer-type symptoms
• Nausea
• Vomiting, with or without blood
• Swelling of the abdomen
• Weakness and fatigue
How Is Stomach Cancer Treated?
The three main treatments for stomach cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) is the use of high-energy rays to shrink or kill cancer cells. Side effects from radiation therapy can include mild skin problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fatigue.
Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. While chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells, they also damage some normal cells and this can lead to side effects. These side effects depend on the type of drugs used, the amount given, and the length of treatment. You could experience some of these temporary side effects: Fatigue, Nausea and vomiting, Loss of appetite
Hair loss, Mouth sores, A higher risk of infection caused by a shortage of white blood cells, Bruising or bleeding after minor cuts
Surgery is removal of the cancer and the part of the stomach where it is attached.
What is the Thyroid?
The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the back of the neck below the Adam's apple. The thyroid consists of two lobes. The lobes are wrapped around the windpipe. The thyroid produces thyroid hormones that control the metabolism.
The thyroid produces hormones that influence every organ, tissue and cell in the body. The hormones also control heart rate, body weight, body temperature, energy level, muscle strength and menstrual regularity.
When the thyroid becomes faulty or malfunctions, metabolic disorders occur. There are two main types of thyroid malfunctions: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Discovery of Fyrozex Pharma.
Liver disease is a term for a collection of conditions, diseases, and infections that affect the cells, tissues, structures, or functions of the liver.
What is going on in the body?
The liver is an important organ located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. It is responsible for:
• filtering the blood
• making bile, a substance that helps digest fat and excrete certain fatty substances
• Processing and hooking fats to carriers (including cholesterol), and storing sugars, helping the body transport and save energy.
• making important proteins, such as most of those involved in blood clotting
• metabolizing many medications, such as barbiturates, sedatives, and amphetamines
• storing iron, copper, vitamins A and D, and several of the B vitamins
• making important proteins like albumin that regulate fluid transport in the blood and kidneys.
• helping break down and recycle red blood cells
If the liver becomes inflamed or infected, its ability to perform these functions may be impaired. Liver disease and infections are caused by a variety of conditions including viral infections, bacterial invasion, and chemical or physical changes within the body. The most common cause of liver damage is malnutrition, especially that which occurs with alcoholism.
Symptoms of liver disease may be acute, occurring suddenly, or chronic, developing slowly over a long period of time. Chronic liver disease is much more common than acute. The rates of chronic liver disease for men are two times higher than for women. Liver disease may range from mild to severe depending on the type of disease present.
What are the signs and symptoms of the disease?
Symptoms partly depend on the type and the extent of liver disease. In many cases, there may be no symptoms. Signs and symptoms that are common to a number of different types of liver disease include:
• jaundice, or yellowing of the skin
• darkened urine
• nausea
• loss of appetite
• unusual weight loss or weight gain
• vomiting
• diarrhea
• light-colored stools
• abdominal pain in the upper right part of the stomach
• malaise, or a vague feeling of illness
• generalized itching
• varicose veins (enlarged blood vessels)
• fatigue
• hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
• low grade fever
• muscle aches and pains
• loss of sex drive
• depression
A rare but severe form of the liver infection called acute fulminant hepatitis causes liver failure. Symptoms of liver failure include:
• an enlarged and tender liver
• enlarged spleen
• susceptibility to bleeding
• encephalopathy, which is a disorder that affects how the brain functions
• changes in mental status or level of consciousness
• ascites, which is an accumulation of fluid inside the abdomen
• edema or swelling under the skin
• aplastic anemia, a condition in which the bone marrow cannot make blood cells
What are the causes and risks of the disease?
Liver disease can be caused by a variety of factors. Causes include:
• congenital birth defects, or abnormalities of the liver present at birth
• metabolic disorders, or defects in basic body processes
• viral or bacterial infections
• alcohol or poisoning by toxins
• certain medications that are toxic to the liver
• nutritional deficiencies
• trauma, or injury
Liver diseases most likely to be seen in children include:
• galactosemia, an inherited disease in which the body can not tolerate certain sugars in milk. These sugars can build up, causing serious damage to the liver and other organs of the body.
• Alagille's syndrome, a condition in which the bile ducts narrow and deteriorate, especially during the first year of life
• alpha 1- antitrypsin deficiency, a genetic liver disease in children that can lead to hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver
• neonatal hepatitis, which is hepatitis that occurs in a newborn during the first few months of life
• tyrosinemia, a disorder that causes serious problems with liver metabolism
• hemorrhagic telangiectasia, a condition in which thin blood vessels allow frequent and easy bleeding of the skin and digestive tract
• Reye's syndrome, a condition that causes a buildup of fat in the liver. This condition has been linked in some cases to use of aspirin, especially in conjunction with chickenpox, influenza, or other illnesses with fever.
• Wilson's disease, an inherited condition that causes a buildup of the mineral copper in the liver
• thalassemia, a group of hereditary anemias, or low red blood cell counts
• biliary atresia, a condition in which the bile ducts extending from the liver to the intestine are too small in diameter or are missing
• chronic active hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes severe scarring and interference with liver function
• cancer of the liver, which may result from cancer in other parts of the body that have spread to the liver
Liver diseases most likely to be seen in adults include:
• cirrhosis, which is a serious condition that causes tissues and cells in the liver to be replaced by scar tissue.
• type I glycogen storage disease, which causes problems in controlling blood sugars when a person fasts
• porphyria, a condition that causes a malfunction in how the body uses porphyrins.
Porphyrins are important in making hemoglobin in red blood cells, to carry oxygen throughout the body.
• hemochromatosis, a condition which causes the body to absorb and store too much iron. The iron buildup causes damage to the liver and other organs.
• primary sclerosing cholangitis, a condition that causes the bile ducts of the liver to narrow due to inflammation and scarring
• sarcoidosis, a disease that causes a buildup of lesions within the liver and other organs of the body
• gallstones, which may block the bile duct
• hepatitis, an inflammation and infection of the liver caused by any of several viruses
• cystic disease of the liver, which causes lesions and fluid-filled masses in the liver
Alcohol-related liver diseases include:
• fatty liver disease, which causes an enlarged liver
• alcoholic hepatitis
• alcoholic cirrhosis
What can be done to prevent the disease?
Some, but not all, liver diseases can be prevented. For example, hepatitis A and hepatitis B can be prevented with vaccines.
Other ways to decrease the risk of infectious liver disease include:
• practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands well after using the restroom or changing diapers
• avoiding drinking or using tap water when traveling internationally
• avoiding illegal drug use, especially sharing injection equipment
• practicing safest sex. Practicing safer sex provides less protection.
• avoiding the sharing of personal hygiene items, such as razors or nail clippers
• avoiding toxic substances and excess alcohol consumption
• using medications only as directed
• using caution around industrial chemicals
• eating a well balanced diet following the food guide pyramid
• getting an injection of immune globulin after exposure to hepatitis A
• using recommended safety precautions in healthcare and day care work
How is the disease diagnosed?
A healthcare professional can determine whether a person's symptoms, medical history, and physical exam are consistent with liver disease. Hepatomegaly, an enlarged, firm liver, and other signs of liver disease may be found on examination.
Many further tests may also be used to support the diagnosis. These include blood tests, such as:
• liver function tests, which are blood tests that check a wide variety of liver enzymes and byproducts
• a complete blood count (CBC), which looks at the type and number of blood cells in the body
• abdominal X-rays
• ultrasounds, to show size of abdominal organs and the presence of masses
• an upper GI study, which can detect abnormalities in the esophagus caused by liver disease
• liver scans with radiotagged substances to show changes in the liver structure
• ERCP, or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. A thin tube called an endoscope is used to view various structures in and around the liver.
• abdominal CT scan or abdominal MRI, which provide more information about the liver structure and function
In some cases, the only way to definitively diagnose the presence of certain liver diseases is by a liver biopsy. This procedure involves the removal of a tiny piece of liver tissue for examination under a microscope. Liver biopsies may have to be done repeatedly to see how the disease is progressing or responding to treatment.
What are the long-term effects of the disease?
Long- term effects depend on the type of liver disease present. For example, chronic hepatitis can lead to:
• cirrhosis of the liver
• liver failure
• illnesses in other parts of the body, such as kidney damage or low blood counts
Other long-term effects of liver disease may include:
• gastrointestinal bleeding. This includes bleeding esophageal varices, which are abnormally enlarged veins in the esophagus and/or the stomach.
• encephalopathy, which is deteriorating brain function that may progress to a coma
• peptic ulcers, which erode the stomach lining
• liver cancer
What are the risks to others?
Some liver diseases are highly contagious and pose a risk to others. For example, different forms of hepatitis are highly contagious through sexual contact or contamination of food and water. Other liver diseases are not contagious, such as biliary atresia.
What are the treatments for the disease?
Treatment for liver disease will include:
• bed rest
• drinking extra fluids to prevent dehydration
• avoiding unnecessary medications
• avoiding alcohol
• eating a well balanced diet for liver disease
• taking antinausea medications as needed
Further treatment will depend on the type and the extent of disease. For example, treating hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and hepatitis D may involve the use of medications such as the antiviral medication alpha interferon. Other medications used to treat liver disease may include ribavirin, lamivudine, steroids, and antibiotics.
To treat Wilson's disease, the healthcare professional may prescribe trientine or penicillamine. If these medications cannot be tolerated, the person may be asked to take zinc acetate.
Hemochromatosis is treated by removing a pint of blood once or twice a week for several months to a year, depending on the severity of the condition. This will effectively deplete the excess iron.
Vitamin and mineral supplements are given to prevent complications from primary biliary cirrhosis. These include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and calcium. Cholestyramine may be given to help relieve itching.
Biliary atresia may be treated with a procedure called the Kasai surgery, a procedure in which the surgeon replaces the bile ducts with part of the baby's intestine.
Acute fulminant hepatitis can cause life-threatening liver failure. This requires a hospital stay and treatment for the bleeding disorder, encephalopathy, and nutritional problems. Sometimes, the only effective treatment for certain liver diseases is a liver transplant.
What are the side effects of the treatments?
Side effects will depend on the treatments used for the liver disease. Antibiotics may cause stomach upset or allergic reactions. Side effects of interferon include a flu-like illness, with fever, and body aches.
A liver transplant can cause many complications, including failure or rejection of the new liver. After a liver transplant, a person will need to take powerful anti-rejection medications for the rest of his or her life. Because these medications interfere with normal immunes system functioning, they increase the person's risk for infections and certain types of cancer.
What happens after treatment for the disease?
What occurs after treatment will depend on the type of liver disease and the response to treatment. For example, people with hepatitis A will not usually need medication after the disease has been resolved. They can return to a normal lifestyle when symptoms are gone, even if they still have some jaundice.
A person with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or hepatitis D needs to be monitored for side effects and benefits during and after interferon treatment. Alpha interferon treatment might be repeated if the disease flares up again. A person who has received a liver transplant is checked for further disease, as well as for function of the new liver.
How is the disease monitored?
Monitoring will depend on the type of liver disease. Liver function tests may be performed during periodic visits to the healthcare professional, to monitor the disease and to see how the liver is working. Any new or worsening symptoms should be reported to the healthcare professional. The status of the liver may require repeated liver biopsies. Decisions for further treatment or liver transplantation are frequently made based on these tests.
Liver Diseases
Also called: Hepatic disease
Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It is also one of the most important. The liver has many jobs, including changing food into energy and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood. Your liver also makes bile, a yellowish-green liquid that helps with digestion.
There are many kinds of liver diseases. Viruses cause some of them, like hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Others can be the result of drugs, poisons or drinking too much alcohol. If the liver forms scar tissue because of an illness, it's called cirrhosis. Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, can be one sign of liver disease.
Like other parts of your body, cancer can affect the liver. You could also inherit a liver disease such as hemochromatosis.
Liver problems include a wide range of diseases and conditions that can affect your liver. Your liver is an organ about the size of a football that sits just under your rib cage on the right side of your abdomen. Without your liver, you couldn't digest food and absorb nutrients, get rid of toxic substances from your body or stay alive.
Liver problems can be inherited, or liver problems can occur in response to viruses and chemicals. Some liver problems are temporary and go away on their own, while other liver problems can last for a long time and lead to serious complications.
Liver problems
Liver problems that can occur include fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. The liver and its cells — as seen through a microscope — change dramatically when a normal liver becomes fatty or cirrhotic.
• See Also
• Liver cysts: A cause of abdominal pain?
• Infant jaundice
• Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
• Liver hemangioma
• Cirrhosis
• Hemochromatosis
• Primary sclerosing cholangitis
• Gilbert syndrome
• Enlarged liver
• Wilson's disease
• Acute liver failure
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The Joy and Problems of
Probably the biggest problem associated with Mastrubation (also spelled: masturbation) is the preconceptions that society has placed on it through the centuries. So, mastrubating commonly causes embarrassment, shame, and guilt.
Those things alone can cause enormous physical and mental problems of all kinds. Even erectile dysfunction.
So let's start with the basics!
We are sexual being. Sexual release is as natural to our life and health as breathing, eating and sleeping. Don't let anyone ever try to make you believe differently.
Virtually everyone mastrubates or has mastrubated. It feels very good and there is nothing wrong with doing it!
In fact, if you are not having regular sexual intercourse, mastrubation is a healthful practice.
Regular ejaculation, by sexual intercourse or mastrubation, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by keeping all the sexual fluids moving.
Over Mastrubation
Over Mastrubation can cause all kinds of physical and mental problems besides prostate problems and testicular problems. Prostatitis is of course the most directly noticeable problem. You get pain in your prostate or testicles or lower back. Even your pelvis can hurt.
But here is a list of things you can experience from too much mastrubation:
• Depression
• Fatigue, even chronic fatigue
• Male hair loss
• Low back pain (it can be just a dull ache or severe!)
• Eye floaters
• Fuzzy vision
• Memory problems
• Absentmindedness (from depletion of acetylcholine)
• Lack of concentration
The reason for all this is:
Too Much Ejaculation
Greatly Depletes The Male Body.
The sexual act, for a man, uses up a lot of nutritional reserves. Women have it over us there. They can have almost unlimited sexual stimulation and only benefit by it. Men literally get used up!
Scientific research confirms this. Too much ejaculation causes the adrenal glands and the brain to create excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversions. That's the very technical explanation!
In common language: Too much ejaculation makes a man lethargic and emotionally over sympathetic due to an actual change in body chemistry.
Psychological Problems
Mastrubation in young men often is performed when there is a psychological need for emotional fulfillment. This can set a pattern that carries over into adulthood and lead to chronic excessive mastrubation. This excessive mastrubation, and the resulting problems (listed above), can create further psychological problems.
Basically, these boys and men use sex as a drug.
What Is The Right Amount?
The real question is: "How much ejaculation is healthful?" Touching your body for pleasure will never do you any harm. Forcing your body to run through the entire sexual cycle too often can be devastating!
Most men do not have any idea how much is required from the body to have an orgasm with ejaculation.
For a man over 30, twice a week is generally OK. Over 50 probably once a week. 60 maybe twice a month. Over 70, maybe once a month. Some teenagers (whose hormones are raging in overdrive) do it 2 or 3 times a day and are fine.
There is no real rule. That's just a general guideline from ancient healing arts and modern scientific observation. They both give the same numbers.
If you are experiencing some or all of the symptoms listed above, you are probably overdoing it. Try not ejaculating so frequently and notice how you feel. Keep cutting back until your feel good.
You can still enjoy sex and sexual activities. Just do not go to the point of orgasm as frequently. Stop before you cum.
If you find having less sex is too difficult, stopping short of orgasm can be a lifesaver for you. It is also a great help if non-bacterial prostatitis (also called "non-specific" prostatitis) is your problem.
For non-bacterial prostatitis sufferers, less ejaculation combined with correct prostate massage, can help restore your body better than any other prostate treatment.
Unsatisfying Orgasms Can Lead to
Over Mastrubation.
Just like eating, if you don't get satisfied all you can think about is MORE!
If you just "get right to it" when you mastrubate, your body often does not secrete enough sexual fluid and hormones to feel "satisfied". We call this a weak orgasm.
It still feels good, but does not physiologically or mentally complete the job. Your body is not "satisfied". So, you masturbate again, and again until your body does register "satisfaction". This can be very debilitating to the prostate and testicles. Especially in men over 25.
On the other hand, during normal intercourse, the prostate receives a good amount of massage from both your hip movement and frontal contact with the woman's pubic bone. This produces a stronger more satisfying orgasm.
The Most Intense Orgasm You'll Ever Have!
The most intense orgasms happen when the nerves in the prostate are most stimulated. It is undoubtedly the most satisfying orgasm. And, probably the healthiest because more fluid is moved and more blood flows.
The prostate gland is the male "G Spot".
That is why many women want to put their finger up their partner's anus to massage his prostate during sexual intercourse. This direct prostate stimulation greatly increases the intensity of the orgasm. If you have ever experienced this, you know what I am talking about.
However, a woman's finger barely does the job. Still, it can increase the intensity of the orgasm dramatically.
The danger with a woman's finger, is that the woman's finger nail can cause a tear in the lining of the bowel. This can cause a very serious infection!
If you want to achieve a truly magnificent breath taking orgasm, especially during mastrubation, the safest and most effective way is with an Aneros Prostate Massager.
Nothing else compares!
This device actually can:
• Help you achieve the most intense orgasm possible (more intense than you probably ever imagined possible!)
• Give you the type of orgasm that leaves you so satisfied that you do not over mastrubate
• Improve the health of your prostate (through greater blood flow)
The Virtual Vagina!
There is nothing that compares with a real live woman for sexual gratification. But, if for some reason you don't have a sex partner, the absolute best and most satisfying sex toy ever invented for mastrubation is the Fleshlight.
Fleshlights are made of a material that is remarkably similar to vaginal skin. And, you design your Fleshlight exactly the way you want it!
You can select the interior texture to be smooth or very stimulating. And, you can even choose a vaginal, oral, or anal opening. They bring mastrubation to a whole new level of complete enjoyment!
When you're all alone, there's nothing wrong with taking care of your personal needs in the most pleasurable and gratifying way possible.
Blood In Semen?
- Don't Panic! -
When you see your blood in semen, it is quite a shock! It only happened to me twice. But, the first time I thought, "Oh no! Now I'm dying!"
Moderate Regular Ejaculation
Combined With Correct Prostate Massage
Can Help Maintain Your Prostate In Optimum Health!
Let your awareness of your own body and mental state be your guide. Not your sexual cravings. Uncontrolled sexual cravings can ruin you! Literally.
If you have a fulfilling sex life with a partner, no mastrubation may be necessary or desired. Or, you may enjoy mutual mastrubation as part of your sex life together.
If you are alone, or currently not in a sexual relationship, moderate regular mastrubation is healthy and natural and good for you! Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.
Moderate amounts of regular ejaculation is both normal and healthful. It doesn't matter whether it happens during intercourse or mastrubation.
Orgasm is a lovely gift! It is meant to be enjoyed throughout your entire life!
After a lengthy study, I learned that in most cases: Blood in semen,
Is No More Serious Than Blood In Mucus
When You Blow Your Nose.
Hematospermia is the medical term for bloody sperm (blood in semen). Even though most of us never heard of it, it seems to have been around for a long time. Hematospermia was even written about by the father of modern medicine: Hippocrates! (born 460 bc)
There are a number of things that can cause bloody sperm: prostatitis (inflamation of the prostate gland), infection, blockage, injury or impact anywhere in the male reproductive system.
Many men, when they see blood in their semen, first think, "Oh no. Prostate cancer." Although it is possible, prostate cancer rarely causes blood in semen.
Actually, most blood in semen is of unknown origin. And,
It Usually Goes Away By Itself
In a Few Days.
It is quite a common occurance in sexually active men in thier 30s. But, it happens to teenagers and old men as well.
The vessels and structures in the male reproductive system are very delicate. You know this if you were ever hit or kicked in the groin (as virtually every young boy has been!).
The same is true of bicycles. When your foot slips off the pedal and your testicles crash into the crossbar.. Or you get hit there with a ball in dodgeball.. Any impact there Hurts A Lot!!
If the tissues were stronger, like the muscles, a normal kick there would not be very painful.
Because the testicles, seminal vesicles, urethra, prostate gland, epididymis, and the perineum are not stong tissues (like muscle), any impact or strain can cause a small blood vessel to break and put blood into the seminal fluid.
What is termed "exhausted love making" can cause bloody sperm. Without sufficient semen in the seminal vesicles, the mucous membranes inside the seminal vesicles strain on ejaculation. Again, just like when you blow your nose too often or too hard, the delicate mucous membranes can rupture and bleed.
If infection is the cause of blood in semen, an antibiotic can usually clear it up easily. If blockage is the cause, surgery may be required. That is not very common.
Although blood in semen is quite common, the freequency of it is impossible to calculate because most semen is ejaculated intravaginally.
If The Blood In Your Semen Is Persistent
or accompanied by pain, you should go see your doctor.
Normally, however, blood in semen comes and goes by itself.
Vitamin C Bioflavonoids (not ascorbic acid) strengthen the walls of the small blood vessels. It may be a helpful supplement for you.
If you are a vegan vegetarian and you are experiencing blood in semen, you should consider adding butter to your diet. The essential nutrients in meat fat and butter (saturated animal fats) also play an important role in the strength of human blood vessels.
Does Prostate Massage
Prostate Health?
What does prostate massage have to do with prostate health?
What if someone told you that they would give you the absolute best liquid to heal your prostate? A liquid so healing and so powerful that nothing else in all of medical history has ever been able to compete with it? A liquid that is non toxic, and a liquid that is responsible for every cure that ever was?
Would you believe it even existed?
Would you want it?
Would you use it?
Would you pay a lot for it?
Well, you already have it! That liquid is your blood. Hard to believe, but it is true. It is the greatest and, actually, the only real healer in the whole world.
And, the way you get this healing life giving liquid to your prostate gland is with correct prostate massage.
The Drug Myth
There is no laboratory chemical that ever healed anything. Yes they can kill bacteria and germs and viruses. But no laboratory chemical ever healed anything. If you've been on prostate medication for a length of time you've learned this the hard way. You are still not well. That's why you're reading this.
You must understand this key point before you can ever expect to attain serious health:
The body is self healing. It is the only thing that has ever healed anything and everything. All other "remedies" only are there to assist the body in it's functions. Most of them cause more harm than good.
The healing is ALWAYS done by nature and fresh healthy blood.
But, even if the blood is healthy, when it can not reach the prostate gland in sufficient quantity, the prostate can and will from a variety of diseases. That is why most modern men eventually need correct prostate massage.
The Cause of Prostate Problems
The cause of almost every (99%+) prostate problems is: Lack of blood flow and/or unhealthy blood. Too much sex can also cause all kinds of prostate problems and prostate pain.
Get more healthy blood to the prostate gland and most prostate problems will disappear!
Prostate massage greatly increases the flow of blood into the prostate gland more effectively than any other prostate treatment in existence. It is the absolute #1 aid in prostate healing.
Prostate massage will help promote healing in:
• Prostatitis
• Prostate Pain
• Prostate Infection
• Prostate Cancer
• Impotence
• Erectile Dysfunction
Prostate massage is the best prostate treatment for virtually every malady of the prostate gland. The reason is: nothing else cleans and nourishes the prostate as effectively. Nothing.
Modern lifestyle is the prime cause of all prostate problems. Constant sitting, incorrect deficient foods, and too much emphasis on constant sexual performance are the main factors in all prostate diseases. ALL prostate diseases.
These things all poison and suffocate the cells in the prostate gland. This is what creates the diseases or the breeding ground for the bacteria that cause the disease. Poison your prostate enough and you'll create prostate cancer. It's no mystery.
The First Step
The first step in relieving problems caused by prostate congestion (poor blood flow) is always prostate massage.
If you will get the blood flow moving, half the battle is done. Then, you will need to clean up your diet with a natural diet, get the extra nutrients you may need from prostate supplements, moderate your sex life, get some exercise (any kind you enjoy) and 99.9% of prostate problems will vanish. It doesn't matter what they are.
Why It Works!
The reason these steps are so effective is that the body was designed to be 100% healthy. But, in our "civilized" cultures we do so many unnatural things everyday that block the body's ability to function properly. Disease is always the result.
Prostate massage should not be required for health. But, it counteracts a lot of the life suppressing things we all do each day, like sit far too much and move our bodies far too little.
The prostate gland is probably the must vulnerable organ in the male body. That is why it is the number one cause of male health problems.
The natural remedy of prostate massage seems far too simple. There are so many drugs with very long mysterious names that we can not even pronounce. Shouldn't those be better?
No, those are designed to make money, not to create health. They may suppress symptoms, but they do not make you health. You must learn the difference if you are to be truly well.
The reason prostate massage is the most effective way in helping relieve any prostate problem is that massage gets the blood moving through the prostate better than any other prostate treatment can.
It's so simple that people can hardly believe it. They seem to believe difficult, expensive, mysterious things work better. Not true. The truth is: Prostate massage will do more good for most men than any other single prostate treatment.
It's Now Up To You
So, now it is up to you. Read the pages on this site. Learn how to do a correct prostate massage as well as the supplementary massages. Learn which foods and supplements really make you healthy.
And, most important: Take the necessary action! Do your prostate massages. Just reading about prostate massage isn't enough. You must do them. Get well once and for all!
You can do it!
Be Well.....
Prostate Massage
- Success Stories! -
This page features the success stories of you , my readers. Obviously these are stories from those who have been here before and have come back with their good news!
I hope you will return in the near future with your own success story and share it with us.
You can just scroll to the bottom and see "What Other Visitors Have Said".
Please let me and the other readers of this site know:
Get Immediate Prostate Pain Relief NOW!
You are suffering from prostate pain! You don't feel good. You need relief NOW! You've had an exam from your Urologist. He says you're fine. But, you don't feel fine!
You've Come to the Right Place!
In another chapter I'll explain what causes most common prostate pain and how you can learn to prevent it. We'll even talk about reversing BHP. For the best long term results you are also going to need to learn to do the internal prostate massage But,
You Need Relief Now!
So, here I'll only explain what is happening and how to Soothe Your Prostate NOW!
O.K. Here's the story: These relatively sudden attacks, that show up as 'nothing' in an exam, are almost always due to swollen tissue, congested blood and accumulated metabolic waste products. You may even be in excellent general health. But, if your blood flow is too greatly diminished or cut off, you are going to suffer.
It's like when you sit in a strange position too long and your leg or foot falls asleep. The circulation was cut off too much. It hurts, feels tingley, numb, etc...
When you do that to a gland or organ (like your prostate), it hurts even worse.
To relieve these problems (and the painful prostate they cause you), You have to get the blood moving! Reduce the swelling. And, Remove the poison (the accumulate metabolic wastes).
There Are Three Reasons Why
The Swelling Causes So Much Prostate Pain
Your prostate has a covering around it that is like a skin. This skin is called fascia tissue. When the prostate gland swells rapidly this skin is forced to stretch more than it is able to.
Internal fascia (just like your skin) has only a certain amount of stretchability.
Take hold of the skin on your arm. Start pulling outward. When you start to feel pain, pull a little. Then hold it there. Feel how it keeps hurting? A LOT? When there is swelling, this is what is happening to the fascia covering your prostate gland.
Now, pull just a little less hard. Notice how much less pain there is? A lot less pain! Right?
Let go. Now, this time take a big pinch of the skin and muscle in your arm. Squeeze. Harder. Feel the pain? Keep squeezing. This is very much like what is happening to the prostate tissue inside of the fascia when there is swelling.
Squeeze a little less hard. Less Pain? A lot less?
O.K. You can let go now.
Did you see how a little less pressure can bring a lot of pain relief? The same can be true for your prostate pain.
The third problem with congestion is: Lack of blood flow causes toxins to accumulate in an area. These toxins (metabolic waste products from every living cell) actually start to poison the area and cause varying degrees of pain and discomfort.
If you have a painful prostate and are suffering from this type of swelling and blood congestion,
This Is What You Must Do
To Get Rid Of The Pain
You must reduce the swelling in your prostate. Take the pressure off the fascia and off the organ itself. Remove the accumulated toxins.
To do this, you have to move the congested blood. You have to get the blood moving freely again!
The really Good News is: You don't have to reduce ALL the swelling to feel a LOT better! Just a little less swelling can often reduce most of the pain. It may even relieve your prostate pain completely. Just like when you pulled less hard on your skin in the test example above.
Picture a traffic jam on the highway. You know how upset and miserable one of those can make you, right? You sit there for the longest time getting more and more irritable.
But, as soon as you pass the the cause of the jam up and start cruising at 60 or 70 mph again, don't you suddenly feel Amazing Relief! All is well with the world again and the upset goes away. The same is true for your prostate and your resulting prostate pain!
Get the blood moving again, reduce the swelling, and you will feel better!
There Are Two Very Very Effective Methods To Do This:
method one: The SITZ BATH
This is a very old treatment for prostate pain dating back hundreds of years. It is also still one of the earliest, yet, still most effective remedies for prostate pain.
The Sitz Bath is very different from just taking a hot bat. The Sitz Bath brings a great flow of blood to a specific area. The regular hot bath is pleasant and generally increases circulation throughout your body. But, a regular hot bath is not nearly as effective on localized pain. Like prostate pain.
The Sitz Bath was originally performed in a large wash tub before there was indoor plumbing. It was specifically used for prostate pain as well as hemmorhoid pain, menstrual pain and bowel pain.
Today, with the modern bath tub, it is much easier to do. The Sitz Bath is highly effective and very soothing! It is also extremely pleasurable to do. It will increase the circulation to your prostate gland. And, it seems to just melt the prostate pain away! Like Magic!
You'll need a deep bath tub. One you can sit in and have the water come up just over your belly button. You want hot water to cover the entire area where you are experiencing your prostate pain.
If your bath tub does not allow the water to get that deep (because of the overflow opening), get a flat rubber sink stopper at the hardware store. They look like a flat 4 or 5 inch round disk.
Unscrew the covering from the overflow. Place the rubber disk over the hole. Put the cover back over the rubber stopper and scre it back on (make small holes in the rubber stopper for the screws to go through). This will seal off the hole and allow you to fill the tub deeper. (Just be sure to keep an eye on the tub when it fills or it can overflow!)
Then fill the tub with the hottest water you can comfortably stand. Feel it, with your hand under the faucet, as it runs into the tub.
If it is not too hot for your hand it will not be too hot for your body. It should not cause you pain. If it does it is too hot and it will burn you.
But Hot! Not warm. Warm will not penetrate and do the job. You will see the skin on your hand redden after being in this water for a couple of minutes.
That Is The Reaction You Want!
It indicates a great stimulation of blood to the area. You want the blood to Flow!
Now, when the tub is full enough, shut off the water and get in it. It will at first feel too hot. That is only an initial reaction. If the water did not burn your hand while filling the tub it will not burn your body.
That is why you constantly feel the water as the tub is filling. You want the water to heat you, not burn you.
You can make this a bubble bath, a mineral bath, a scented oil bath, or just a plain water bath. Whatever makes you happy is the right thing!
I personally add a little pure pine needle oil. It is a very relaxing and soothing fragrance often used in aromatherapy. It makes the whole room smell like a pine forest! Lavender is also especially good. It is specifically used to release tension in the practice of aromatherapy. A small amount works wonders after a stressful day!
Now, This Is Very Important:
Once you are sitting in the tub, lean backagainst the end and take your hands and feet out of the water. Prop your feet up on the opposite end of the tub or the wall. Place your arms up on the side of the tub. You ONLY want the middle section of your body in the water. The area where you have the prostate pain.
This will concentrate the heat into your prostate area and force the blood to flow there.
If you put your whole body into the tub, the bath treatment will not work properly. You want to make the blood flow heavily into just one specific area. That is why you concentrate the heat there.
Just relax and feel how good it feels in there. You'll notice the tensions start to loosen almost immediately. The prostate pain itself seems to relax. You don't rub or massage anything in here. Just relax and let the heat do the work.
Take a pleasurable book in with you. Put on some soothing music if you want. If you just prefer to relax and enjoy the silence, that's good too!
Do not do work or conduct business of any kind while you are in the tub. That will stress your system to a greater or lesser degree.
All Stress Constricts The Blood Vessels
and Reduces The Blood Flow
So, relax! This is your Spa Treatment. In famous European Health Spas people pay $150 for one of these baths. So relax and enjoy it. Not only will you feel better, you are saving $150!
You're going to be in this bath for 30-40 minutes. Longer, if it makes you happy. But, 30 minutes minimum! Because, it takes a while for the heat to penetrate all the way in.
It has to pass through your skin, your fatty layer, and your muscles before it even reaches your prostate pain. But, it will get there!
Every once in a while, shift your body around a little bit so that the water moves (keep your hands out of the water. You want the heat going to only one area.).
You'll feel the water warm up a little as you move. That's what you want. It shows you, also, that the heat from the previous water was absorbed into your body!
That specifically suppied heat is what will make your blood flow better.
After a while you will start sweating. The more the better. Keep some cool water by you to drink. Drink as much as you want.
After about 15-20 minutes, you will notice the water has cooled a bit. Let some water drain out of the tub and add more hot.
Always Keep The Water
As Hot As You Can Comfortably Stand
After 30-40 minutes (more if it makes you feel good) put you legs in the tub. Sit up. Pull out the stopper and let the water drain from the tub while you are still sitting in it.
Then, when the tub is empty, Stand Up SLOWLY. Your body will be hot and overheated.
If You Get Up Too Fast
You May Faint
So, get up slowly and carefully. If you feel light headed on the way up, Sit Back Down and wait until you have cooled off some before getting up again. There is no rush. Take your time.
Once you are standing, turn the shower on full force COLD only! No Hot water.
Direct the spray on your prostate pain area and rub the area gently for a count of 15-20 seconds while the ice cold water is spraying it.
That ice cold rinse will be just like when you squeeze out a sponge! It will cause a short quick constriction of the blood vessels. That really squeezes out the old blood and toxins! The heat retained in the rest of your body will quickly open them up again.
Circulation will increase Dramatically! You will see your skin has turned red! That's perfect. How is your prostate pain now? Is it feeling better?
Once you're used to this, it will feel GREAT! You'll look forward to the end of your bath and the refreshing cold spray. The first time you do it, it will be a real shocker!
Now, take a pleasantly cool shower and dry off. You're done!
Notice How Much Better You Feel!
Not only is the prostate pain greatly reduced. Notice how nice you feel all over! More relaxed, calmer, happier. Isn't that Amazing?!
It's your own private prostate pain spa treatment! You can do it anytime you feel the need or desire.
Also keep in mind, your prostate pain most probabally did not develope in just one day. So, it probabally won't totally disappear and never come back again after just one bath. That would be nice! But, it is most probabally not reality.
However, the Sitz Bath can be very very soothing and make you feel much better NOW! It can have
A Truely Remarkably Soothing Effect
On Your Prostate Pain.
The whole idea is to feel better. Day by day. Right now you just want to reduce the pain. But, in the long run you want the pain to go away completely. You're going to have to work on that. Day by day. The other chapters in this site will show you how.
After your Sitz Bath, try not to sit in a chair right away. Sitting in a chair is the most injurious thing to our prostate circulation that we do every day. Instead, lounge on a recliner or the couch. Or, sit cross legged on the floor.
Be sure to drink 1 or 2 large glasses of water. You've sweated a lot and you also want to move those old toxins to the kidneys and out of your body.
This method is also an excellent treatment for soothing prostate pain. If you travel or work in an office all day, this method can be used almost anywhere you have acces to an electric wall outlet. And,
In Stubborn Cases,
This Method Is Often More Effective!
You'll need a BIG Heavy Duty back massaging vibrator. Not a small one or a battery operated one. A BIG One! A powerful one that plugs into the wall.
The one I use is the Thumper Mini Pro II. I have recommended this one for years. This particular massager has worked very successfully for everyone I have recommended it to. But, it is a lttle pricey at $189.
Recently I discovered the ObusForme. I think it is the best buy on a good electric massager. It seems to work just as well as the Thumper for prostate pain. And, it's much more economical! You can find the ObusForme Massager for $79.95 at Amazon. It's about a $10 savings off the retail price.
If your budget is a little tighter, Amazon also has the Sunny Fitness Massager for just $29.95. It will do a decent job and can bring you some very blessed relief!
Your massager needs to be able to reach in deeply where you are having problems. It has to be able to penetrate past the skin, fat and other tissues. It has to penetrate effectively into the prostate pain area. And, it has to be able to run for a long period of time.
If you don't get a powerful one, you won't get the results you desire.
Either lie down or sit on the floor in Japanese sitting position (Kneel. Then sit back on your heels. If that is too uncomfortable, turn the bottom side of your toes down to the floor. This will raise your heels up and make it easier.) Spread your knees wide apart.
Turn the Big vibrator on and adjust it to a high (fast) vibration. The slow vibrations don't work nearly as well.
Place The Vibrator
On Your Prostate Pain Area
The reason I say prostate pain area, and not just prostate, is that your prostate could be feeling pain because of a problem in the surrounding area.
Now, just gently press in on the painful area. Move the vibrator around a little as you do. Just relax and keep doing this for about 20 minutes.
Breathe comfortably and deeply as you do this. See the blood and fresh oxygen moving into the prostate pain you as you are massaging and inhaling. As you exhale see a bit of the prostae pain flowing out of you with your breath.
If you're not familiar with using visualization, this may sound really silly! However, mental visualization has been proven over and over again to increase results by up to 400% in clinical studies of all kinds. So, please use it generously!
Then, start moving the vibrator to the surrounding areas. Go side to side from your belly button. Go over the pubic bone. Go to either side of the pubic bone. There are many connecting nerves and blood vessels in these areas.
Increasing the blood flow and nerve energy to these surrounding areas will greatly benefit the blood flow and nerve flow to your prostate gland.
Do the area between your testicles and your anus. If you feel in this area with your fingers you will feel something like a thick rope there. This area is called the perineum.
The perineum is where your nerves and vessels run from your penis to your prostate. A lot of prostate pain has been traced to problems in this specific area. Specifically from bicycle seats.
All the important nerves run through there. Massaging in here increases the nerve flow and energy to the prostate. It is also very soothing!
You also have important lymph glands in this area (between your legs) which keep the blood and prostate clean. You should gently massage this area daily if you are having prostate pain or problems. Clean lymph nodes make cleaner blood. Less irritation. Less pain.
After you have given the surrounding areas a short massage, return to the prostate pain area. Spend 30-40 minutes on the whole massage. It will take that long to reach into the pianful areas and affect them correctly.
This Massage May Stimulate You Sexually
And Cause You To Get An Erection.
You are getting fresh blood and energies into areas that have been suffocating. If you have been suffering from impotence or low sex drive, this could be very exciting.
But, if you are in pain, Do Not Be Tempted To Climax! Do not put the vibrator on your penis. This WILL make you climax.
Climax will cause a reaction that in a few hours will have your prostate swelling with blood, causing more potential pain. Right now, you are trying to move the blood out and reduce the swelling.
If you get an errection, just keep massaging the prostate area and surrounding areas. The erection will gradually subside.
After 30 minutes or so, You Are Done!
Notice How Much Better You Feel!
With the stimulation of your vibrating massage treatment you have increased the circulation. Moved the old blood and irritating metabolic waste products. You have brought fresh new oxygen rich healing blood to the prostate and surrounding areas. How is your prostate pain now?
Stand up and notice how much better you feel all over. I'll bet you even feel lighter and refreshed. Am I right? Isn't that amazing?!
The reason you feel better all over is that your blood and your nerve energies are moving more freely.
When Nerve Energies Get Stuck,
The Whole Body Suffers.
Freeing nerve energies is the very basic principle of accupuncture. Your blood must circulate well for you to feel well and have good health. Your nerve energys must move freely also. If all your nerve energy was blocked you could not even blink your eyes.
You have moved a lot of toxins and you want to flush them out of your system. So, after either of these two soothing treatments, drink 1 or 2 large glasses of pure water. Relax and breathe deeply as you go about your day or evening.
These methods can be used anytime you are suffering from prostate pain. The results usually last for days. But until you clear up the underlying conditions that are causing your trouble, you will continue to have attacks of congestion, swelling and pain.
So, please be sure to read the rest of the chapters in this site and learn to make yourself pain free and Healthy!
Self Prostate Stimulation
Good Health!
Is self prostate stimulation safe and/or beneficial? Definitely YES!
In fact doing it yourself can be much safer and more effective than if even the best health care provider does it for you!
The reason for this is, if you do it correctly, you are the one in control. You will never over do it or push too hard because you know immediately (by pain response) that you are doing it too aggressively.
Self prostate stimulation is also referred to as self prostate massage or self prostate milking
Self prostate stimulation also includes any type of exterior massage done to the prostate gland.
Superior Results
Can you remember the last time you had a prostate exam? Always unpleasant. The Doctor puts on his rubber glove, lubes it up, tries very hard not to look you in the eye. Then he has you bend over and he RAMS his finger up your butt and prods your prostate unmercifully! It's like out of a bad movie!
Did you notice how uncomfortable or even painful your prostate felt after that. The discomfort can last for days.
((*note: It is OK to ask your doctor to proceed gently before he begins. He may not be more gentle, but, it may help.))
Now, would you ever inflict that pain on yourself on purpose? I hope not. And that is the first reason self prostate stimulation or self prostate massage is superior.
The second is: you can do it as long as you want to or as short as you need to.
The third reason is that you can reach all the accessible areas of your prostate most easily because you can feel exactly where you are at any given moment and adjust accordingly.
Your Prostate is Delicate
Your prostate gland has organ/glandular tissue, muscle tissue and fascia (the tissue that connects and covers the prostate gland.
Muscle and fascia are generally pretty tough tissue. Glandular and organ tissue is always much more delicate and more easily damaged. Doing self prostate stimulation or self prostate massage helps prevent damage to your prostate gland because you are able to be more careful than someone else might be. You know immediately if you are being too aggressive (pain).
Prostate massaging and prostate milking can cause severe damage to your prostate if done too hard. In extreme cases, it can even cause death.
Now, if you want to actually see the difference in tissue strengths for yourself, try these three things:
Pull on a piece of raw chicken skin (fascia). Pretty strong?
Squeeze a slice of raw steak (muscle) between your fingers. It moves but stays together. That's why we have teeth. We need something sharp and strong to tear rip it apart.
Now squeeze a slice of raw beef liver between your fingers (glandular tissue). You can feel it breaking apart and then see the whole where you pinched it. It's delicate. So is your prostate gland.
That's also why impact to the testicles is so painful. The testicles are organ/glandular tissue. Pain indicates injury.
Reduced Risk of Injury
Self prostate stimulation can greatly reduce the risk of injuring or bruising the glandular tissue.
Self prostate stimulation is also more convenient because you can do it in privacy, when and where you want.
When you perform self prostate stimulation you're really going to need an instrument of some kind. Because, unless you have an extraordinarily long finger, you just can't fully reach your prostate gland yourself.
The best and safest instrument that I have ever found is the Aneros prostate massage device.
This device can be used for therapeutic self prostate massage, self prostate milking, or just healthful pleasure.
Self prostate stimulation is very beneficial to the health of your prostate. It greatly increases the circulation of blood in the whole prostate gland area.
This increased blood circulation helps clean, nourish and strengthen your prostate.
Your prostate is, among other things, a filter. It purifies the fluid of the semen so that the sperms stay healthy.
Toxic overload is why prostate cancer is so prevalent in men. Their prostates accumulate so much poison and toxicity that cancer results. Like cigarette smoking.
Some authorities believe that regular self prostate massage along with healthy nutrition and pure water will rebalance the normal ph (acid alkaline balance) in the prostate enough to reverse and prevent prostate cancer.
Why We Need Self Prostate Stimulation
Self prostate stimulation (self prostate massage) is really a necessity for most men in our modern societies.
• We sit too much and this cuts the blood flow to the prostate.
• We eat too much crap. This poisons the blood.
• We allow too much stress in our lives (yes we do that to ourselves). This causes too many metabolic poisons to form.
• We are bombarded with pesticides on our food, and bombarded with chemical pollutants in our air and water.
All of this makes your prostate a toxic stagnant waste dump!
Your prostate has to filter out all of these things to keep the sperm healthy.
Unless your prostate gets good circulation and plenty of clean pure water, your are creating a Major Toxic Dump Site in your body. A place for all kinds of disease and discomfort to manifest.
Can you now understand why there are so many men with prostate problems?
The same holds true for a woman's breasts. They are also filter the blood. That is why so many women contract breast cancers.
You can help keep you prostate clean and healthy with regular self prostate stimulation.
Safe Self Prostate Stimulation
Is Easy!
You can perform self prostate stimulation with a large number of different items. HOWEVER, some of these items can injure you seriously.
The Aneros prostate massagers are specifically designed for safe effective self prostate stimulation. Once they are inserted, they are hands free! The natural contraction of your anal muscles operates the action.
They come in a variety of sizes. The MGX model will work well for most men. Many men, like myself, prefer the Helix model. It's works even more deeply.
Before doing any kind of internal self prostate stimulation, get a check up by your doctor. Make sure you do not have any kind preexisting condition that will cause danger or injury from prostate massaging. Dangerous preexisting conditions are rare. But, it's always wise to check first.
Then, if you're OK to go, enjoy all the great health giving (and pleasurable!) benefits of self prostate stimulation!
Be Well.....
All About
Sperm, is short for spermatozoon (plural: spermatozoa). It is the male reproductive cell. It is carried in the male ejaculate (semen).
A spermatozoon is about two thousandths of an inch long. There are about 200-500 million of them in a single ejaculation.
Unlike every cell of the male body, which has 46 chromosomes (in 23 pairs), these cells have only 23 (not in pairs). The same is true for the female eggs.
When a sperm and an egg combine they once again form a perfect cell with 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. This one cell now has all the information (DNA) necessary to produce a complete human being. The combined DNA now has all the information of the physical characteristics of both parents.
The sperm cell has a head a body and a tail.
The head contains the 23 chromosomes. The body contains mitochondria (which power the tail). And the tail is what enables it to swim up the females cervix and fallopian tube(s) to her egg.
Swimming Speed
They swim about 8 inches in one hour. To do this they need to wave their tail about 16,000 times!
Not all of them come out alive or swim straight. But, if about half of them do, it is enough for fertilization.
When these cells zero in on an egg the tail movement becomes more forceful and erratic. This hyperactivity is necessary to break through the two physical barriers that protect the egg.
There are also certain protein molecules on the head of it that have a lock and key type action with a similar protein on the female egg. This prevents the sperm and egg of different species from getting together.
Scent Sensitivity
Sperm swim vigorously in the direction of various female hormones. This is what guides them to the egg. The attraction is called "Chemotaxis".
The chemotaxis attraction is extremely strong. In lab tests, even when the extract of these female hormones was diluted 100,000 times, the sperm still swam toward it!
Sperm swim in and are nourished in the semen. Once inside the fallopian tube(s) they have a life span of about 5 days.
This means they can be in the fallopian tube for 5 days in advance of ovulation and still fertilize the egg. The egg, unfertilized, has a life span of only about 24 hours.
In the vagina, they die in only a few hours.
In the open air, they die rapidly.
Women are born with a specific and limited quantity of eggs. Usually one to two million.
Baby boys are born with a set number of underdeveloped sperm cells which are not technically sperm, yet. These cells eventually mature at puberty and they will create the reproductive type cells.
Unlike the female human who uses up her eggs, a healthy male will create sperm his entire adult life from these underdeveloped cells.
The process is called spermatogenesis.
During spermatogenesis the underdeveloped cells make exact copies of themselves. Each cell will make four copies that will then mature into mature reproductive cells.
This process happens only in the seminiferous tubules within the testicles.
It takes 65-74 days for the sperm cells to develop.
The underdeveloped original cells do not become reproductive cells. They stay in the testicles and are saved for future "cloning".
If the original underdeveloped "parent" cells are killed or damaged, the man would become sterile because he would no longer have the resources necessary to create new sperm.
Temperature Requirements
To develop, they need a temperature of about 3-5 degrees (Fahrenheit) below the rest of the body. That is why the testicles hang (in the scrotum) outside the body.
The scrotum has a built in thermostat. If the temperature is too cold, the scrotum will contract and bring the testicles closer to or even inside the body.
You have seen this if you've ever gone swimming in cold water.
When the testicles get warm, you will see the scrotum hanging.
If you keep the testicles too warm (from hot bathing or saunas, for example), you will kill the sperm and possibly become temporarily unfertile.
Need for Quantity
Although only one male cell will fertilize a female egg, one cell can not make it to the egg on it's own. That is why a man normally delivers 200-500 million of them per ejaculation.
By swimming together they move the semen toward the egg where about 200 will finally reach the egg.
Only one is allowed to penetrate the egg. Once it does, the egg hardens it's surface so that no more may penetrate.
Motility and Pregnancy
Once inside the woman, they swim from the vagina, to the cervix, to the fallopian tubes. The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tubes.
If they don't make it to the egg, there is no fertilization and no baby.
Motility (movement) can be effected by:
• Not enough sperm swimming
• Cells that swim slowly or not in a straight line
• Swimmers that are not strong enough to penetrate the egg
Several Factors Can Reduce Sperm Motility
• too much heat
• long periods of sexual inactivity
• poor diet
• chemicals toxins
• prescription drugs
Decreased Sperm Count
Chemical Polution
The male population in the USA has shown a large decrease in sperm count since the 1930s. Men today are producing only about half as much as we did just 70 years ago (ref: Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 101(2):65-71)
Pesticides, drugs and mineral poor soils seem to be the reasons.
The human reproductive system is highly vulnerable to pesticides. Men working in agricultural areas have shown more than ten times the incidence of infertility as compared to men in other occupations.
The same applies to drugs and anesthesia (ref: Anesthesiology 54:53-56, 1981).
The Importance of Trace Minerals
Commercially grown foods not only contain the risk of pesticides, they typically have a lower trace mineral content than organically grown foods.
Even medical research is finally realizing the importance of trace minerals in maintaining the human immune system and all aspects of health.
The reason commercially grown foods are so low in trace minerals is that they are "fertilized" with only nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and a selection of often less than 5-10 core minerals (instead of over 100 that occur naturally).
The plants grown this way eventually deplete the soil of necessary trace minerals. The plants get weak and are attacked by bugs. Then, pesticides are used to kill the bugs.
Those pesticides get on our food and into our food. The reproductive system suffers.
"Organic" farmers, on the other hand, often use fertilizers such as rock powders, marine by-product fertilizers (that naturally contain complete mineral content), and compost. Thereby constantly replenishing the soil with the entire array of trace minerals.
These plants are strong and hardy and require no pesticides to defend themselves from bugs.
Down's Syndrome
Women over 35 have a higher risk of producing eggs with too many or too few chromosomes. This condition is called aneuploidy. These eggs produce babies with Down's Syndrome.
This same chromosome risk does not appear to happen with increased age in men.
Making High Quality Sperm
The following will help cultivate high quality sperm that can easily impregnate a female egg:
• Eat a proper diet (the primitive diet is best). Try to eat organically grown foods if possible.
• Reduce stress. Stress interferes with reproductive hormone production.
• Exercise regularly. The body works as a whole. Exercise brings oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. This includes the reproductive system.
• Correct prostate massage is also very beneficial. Prostate massage increases blood flow to the entire male reproductive system. This greatly increases sexual vitality.
• Maintain normal body weight. Too much or too little body fat interferes with the production of necessary reproductive hormones.
For Healthy Sperm
Avoid These Things
• Chemical toxins of every kind.
• Recreational drugs and prescription Drugs. They both have the same effects and consequences.
• Tobacco. Alcohol in excess.
• Saunas and Hot Baths are wonderful for your system! But, if you are having trouble conceiving a baby, the heat can be killing too many of your sperm.
• Prolonged Sitting. It raises the temperature of the scrotum and closes the circulation.
• Testosterone Supplements. Excess testosterone actually decreases sperm production. Anti-androgens (which are used to treat prostate enlargement and prostate cancer) also interfere with their production.
That's the story on Sperm!
Hemorrhoids or piles are linked with the veins of the anus or rectum inflammation or swelling. You can also call it cushions on the inner side of anal canal. It’s quite a painful condition. Medical as well as natural remedies are quite useful for treating or curing piles.
Some Effective Ways of Preventing Piles
Reasons behind piles are:
• Sometimes among men because of some posture a heavy pressure is exerted at the rectal veins which can trigger the problem.
• In a few cases excessive mental stress as well as physical exercises can also make the situation worse.
• Because of excessive constipation piles may occur.
• It can also occur because of hereditary or sometimes even because of inborn feebleness of the vein walls.
• Such a condition can also occur because of the continuous bowel disorder & obesity.
• Because of the dysentery such ailment can also trigger up.
• Standing or sitting for a long period of time (in one position) can create pressure over your abdomen & it them leads to the hemorrhoids.
• During pregnancy, some hormonal changes can also lead to the hemorrhoids.
Effective ways to get rid of piles:
• Always purchase some soft or wet toilet papers. Make sure that your toilet paper is not containing any alcohol or perfume that can enhance the irritation.
• Use warm water for getting some effective relief from swelling as well as itching. It will also be able to wash the mucus as well as irritation from the affected area.
• People who are suffering from piles should remember not seat for a long period of time, they should take some time off, go for some quick walk or change the position etc. Make sure you are also avoiding the long standing process which can instigate the ailment.
• Constipation can make the situation worse so you need to focus on your diet. Your diet should be comprised off lots of fresh fruits as well as fresh green vegetables. Fiber containing food products can help you to reduce your constipation problem & you should also remember to consume enough water.
Human body can manage the scenario of a short term stress, but when it comes to a long duration then it can leave some bad impacts on your body. Some of them are severe also.
• When you become stressed, adrenal glands discharge various chemicals, which include cortisol as well as epinephrine. Excessive amount of these chemicals can damage your memory as well as leads you to depression.
• Stress hormones instigate the liver to manufacture extra blood sugar, which in the long run can lead to type 2 diabetes.
• When we are stressed we experience the shortness of breath, hyperventilation, breathing fast etc. When these conditions persist for a long duration of time we can experience the upper respiratory disorders.
• Stress can also enhance your blood pressure level as well as increase your cholesterol level which can create the perfect situation for stroke, heart attack or other heart disorders.
• Excessive stress can also leave bad effects on your reproductive health. It can stop your menstruation or make it shorter or longer or it can also make it very painful.
• Experts believe that short term stress can enhance your immune system, where as long term process can damage your immune system & make the healing process slow. It can also develop a severe skin condition like eczema etc.
• Long term stress can also develop the situation like nausea; dryness in your mouth, indigestion can even create a situation like irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, constipation, ulcers etc.
• Stress can also injure your muscles. It makes them tight which leads to back pain, headache, shoulder pain etc. It can even develop in a medical condition like osteoporosis.
Low Blood Pressure / Hypotension
When your blood pressure level goes down below the usual limit the condition is called low blood pressure. In such a situation blood flowing action to your heart through arteries becomes weak. People suffering from low blood pressure can experience the fatigue, continuous lethargy, dizziness, weakness etc. Deficiency of proper nutrition or losing blood etc can cause your low blood pressure level.
• For curing low blood pressure problem Indian spikenard (herb) is also quite useful. Mixture of cinnamon, Indian spikenard & camphor can give you some relief.
• Till your blood pressure reach the normal level you can also include some salty foods in your diet & also consume salt water (1/2 tsp salt) on a daily basis.
• Beetroot juice has been identified to be beneficial for treating your low blood pressure level. Daily consumption of one cup juice can give you some effective result.
• As an effective remedy for low blood pressure vitamin B group, protein, vitamin C are found to be beneficial. Make sure that your diet is comprised of all the important nutrients to solve your problem.
• Epsom salt bath has also been recommended for treating low blood pressure problem. In normal hot bath water pour Epsom salt (1-1 ½ kg). Lie down within the water for almost 10-20 minutes. You can do this process before going to bed & make sure that you are protecting yourself from getting cold.
Liver Pain
Liver problem can be a chronic health problem even life threatening for some of them. It can be a huge obstacle to your normal living as well as create some limit to your activities. Having the necessary knowledge of the various causes of such problem can help you in its early detection.
• Liver cancer is another cause when people can experience the liver pain. Sometimes it just can’t get detected until it reaches the last stages. Some indicators of liver cancer are: lack of energy, weight loss, tiredness, loss of appetite etc.
• Hepatitis is one of the major reasons of liver pain. Three types of hepatitis are A, B & C. a few symptoms of these types are jaundice, because of the swelling (organs) pain in the right rib, liver pain etc. It’s considered a life threatening ailment & is contagious too.
• Some other reasons are- type 2 diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome etc can also trigger the liver pain problem. Sometimes we just don’t pay any attention toward these problems, but early detection & professional consultation can give you some extra time for treatments.
• Ingestion of alcohol for a long duration can lead to fatty liver (disposition of fat), which sometimes also leads to liver pain. Liver tenderness, malfunction are few signs of fatty liver. In a very few cases people can also experience the fatty liver problem after suffering from jaundice.
Strep Throat
Strep throat is a bacterial infection. It arises along with nausea, fever, swollen throat, depressed mood etc. Though professional consultation is always welcomes but at the same time you can also try some easy home tricks.
• Try to maintain a warm temperature within your room. You can also go for a humidifier to improve the humidity.
• To keep your body hydrated you need to drink enough water.
• To protect your neck you can also use a neck scarf. It will also give you some warm feeling.
• To fight against the bacteria your body needs quality rest.
• Try to keep your distance from smokes or something very strong odour.
• In your diet try to include mashed potatoes, yoghurt, soups etc.
• To get some effective relief you can also arrange for some lukewarm salt water for gargling. To keep your mucous membrane damp you can use the saline nasal spray.
• During illness, try to keep your distance from spicy-oily foods & also try to avoid beverages which are extremely cold or hot.
• Take a glass of lukewarm water & pour cinnamon powder (1 tsp) along with black pepper & honey. Mix well & consume the mixture.
• You can also use the apple cider vinegar for gargling or you can also drink it frequently after adding (1/4 tsp) in a cup of hot water.
• Take a glass of water & pour lemon juice along with honey. Mix properly & consume it for some instant relief.
• For treating strep throat you can also ingest chamomile tea. Sega tea has also been found to be quite beneficial for strep throat.
Sex worker
A sex worker is a person who works in the sex industry.[1][2] The term is usually used in reference to those in the sex industry that actually provide such sexual services, as opposed to management and staff of such industries. Some sex workers are paid to engage in sexually explicit behavior which involve varying degrees of physical contact with clients (prostitutes, escorts, dominatrices); pornography models and actors engage in sexually explicit behavior which are filmed or photographed. Phone sex operators have sexually-oriented conversations with clients, and do auditive sexual roleplay. Other sex workers are paid to engage in live sexual performance, such as web cam sex[3] and performers in live sex shows. Some sex workers perform erotic dances and other acts for an audience (striptease, Go-Go dancing, burlesque, peep shows).
Life of Sex Workers in India
When I read in the international section of the newspaper a couple of days after Mr. Naipaul won the Nobel Prize for literature, he had explicitly thanked the prostitutes who had kept him company during his lonely spells.
Being the judgmental Indian, I automatically classified him into a set of people who had chosen to be open without bearing a thought to his image and personal integrity taking a beating (I wonder if that happened at all with celebrities anyway). At the same time I was curious about these mysterious women who were socially unacceptable, yet evoking interest of the commoners for different reasons.
They were especially brought to the limelight after India was identified as one of the foremost countries where the incidences of AIDS were increasing in India and numerous contributions started pouring in with Bill gates contribution being the most highly publicized one.
I realized that I had subconsciously started looking for information on them. I had caught glimpses of women on T V and magazines who were dressed garishly with makeup that made them look older than their actual ages peering out from dirty corridors in buildings. I read gory articles about teenage girls abducted against their will or sold by their poverty stricken parents who felt that they would be assured of a better life by working as domestic help in the future employers� houses. However when they landed in Mumbai�s Falkland road and resisted the new profession, they were imprisoned without food and water, beaten badly, privacy invaded by inserting a stick smeared with chilli powder and then repeatedly raping her. This account was more than enough to awaken the spirit in a dead person.
This was just one instance of how they were initiated into the trade. I was curious about what next. After they had accepted the profession and were swept into days and nights of working. Did their life become the cloistered world of survival among peers? Were they happy at any point later or did each day pass with misery? What about their health aspects, how educated were they about the life threatening disease that they were exposed to by the minute and whether they took charge of their life at any time or were they dependant on social workers and others to force them to take action.
My questions were answered when I chanced on a documentary and some articles. This documentary had some protagonists each from different parts of India. For a change this documentary did not have faceless people talking shyly with their faces blurred digitally. The story covered the day to day events in their lives. Some events were amusing; heart rendering and others were downright serious.
The woman who expressed herself the best was Shabana. She had a very likeable character and hailed from a district in Maharashtra in India. She had agreed to do the documentary only if it would not be broadcast on national TV but shown to a select audience and this was announced by the narrator at the beginning of the screening. I imagined a shy, distressed and battered woman. Surprise surprise! She happened to be a very mature woman, with a great sense of humor and having a good set of values and discipline herself. She started off by saying you people dote such a lot of Bollywood film stars but in my opinion they also move around with men dance, sing, get wet in the rain and seduce them, and lead lifestyles that does not necessarily come under the socially acceptable mode how is it different in any way from what were are doing except that we charge for the services. In a way she had made her point.
Later on she explained her routine in which every day in the morning, she along with her cronies started moving towards the fields, where she kept bed sheets and condoms on trees. Surprised when the narrator asked her as to why she was doing this to which she replied that this was the place that she frequents with �customers�. I realized that the word customers were used for the men who were serviced. Later in the evening, when she markets herself to the customers this was the place where she normally would bring them and as generally they were unprepared, it was wise to stock all these items on trees she explained.
Next she was also exclaiming about how some customers felt that they didn�t want to wear condoms and in fact she persuaded him to do so. She won in persuading some but she did mention as how some other women don�t really insist on it as they feel that they could not afford to loose out on the money (around Rs 50) in case they refused. Survival was rampant here too.
The other woman whom life was shared was elderly who was earlier in the profession. She had been abandoned by her husband, and she joined the trade to support herself and her mother-in- law. When she was being interviewed, she showed no signs of being ashamed or embarrassed. She showed her snapshot when she was in her prime and added that she was an excellent dancer and a small time actress. She had lot of people who claimed her attention but later on a particular man became more possessive of her and she stopped entertaining others. They aged together and the love and mutual respect that they have for each other was obvious. Even now the man appeared boldly in front of the camera where in the sunset of their lives too they are together; though they don�t live together they have a good companionship going and a fantastic relationship through the years. Though earlier treating ignoring her, the man�s family has accepted her in time. The man said �Nobody can say that she is not a normal women as she is always surrounded by children and she loves them and prepares their favorite food for them and they call her dadi�.
Now Shabana and the elderly women participated in a rally along with other sex workers to bring awareness about AIDS. Shabana in a press conference told a story about how she was constantly harassed by the people of her village to leave her house/village and when she went to the police station to lodge a complaint, the men there also used abusive language.
There is now a demand being made by the Indian prostitutes to legalize the profession. They claim that some very important things will be set right. By giving a license first of all the money will be reaching the right hands. Secondly, a tab can also be kept on the health issues, like in the South East Asia where it is legalized, every two weeks the sex worker is tested for AIDS and she carried a certificate regarding her health. There can be easy and constant monitoring with respect to many issues. Unfortunately a hypocrite attitude has prevented any regulation.
The first thing that I felt was that we should start accepting people as they are. They are no different in their dreams, emotional quotient, relationships, fears etc compared to a normal woman. Also the world can be complete and total when it included people who need not have led normal experiences. Our changed attitude to this section of society can mark a beginning to realization and making important changes in the minutest way possible.